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Star Wars: Elite Force!!!


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Originally posted by ryudom

vader had an industructable glove though


PAH! The usual excuse!!! :)


Wsn't it not so much an indestructable glove as a mechanical hand? In ROTJ luke chops off vader's right hand and there are just wires, in ESB vader blocks the laser shots with his right hand then does some nice force pull!! lol :)

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the only big thing i fear is that the game will look too much like EF or Q3 instead of jedi knight, so far with some of the features like recharge etc... those are nothing big, but the gameplay in first person mode with some guns definately resembles EF a little too much if you ask me, also the game looks a bit slow paced for jedi knight, when i go full force i wanna go FULL FORCE that means lots of force powers and alot of speed so far it looks like they slowed it down alot, a little too much maybe, some good things that ive seen though are the saber battles they look very intricate and alot mroe detailed than jsut a strong and a weak swing, also the maps and models look very accurate but thats all nothing without gameplay which i hope is very different from Q3 and EF although they were both good games i cant picture an accurate jedi came to be like them.....

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Personally, if the lightsaber is actually a capable weapon in this one, and since you have the force the whole time you have it, I won't be using my blasters very much after level 5. Unless I need to strategically knock out a sentry or something in order to slip in somewhere undetected, where a blazing lightsaber would attract too much attention. Then again, there's always jedi mind trick.


(btw, Vader's glove wasn't indestructable, it was made of highly condensed lightsaber resistant material, but since he was powerful in the force, he probably absorbed the energy from Han's shots right into his body. And I don't want to post any nasty spoilers, but [edit no I'm going to take this out, you are right, it's a nasty one]


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Clearing a few things up... Lightsabers have to be charged, like every 100 years or something. Lucasarts has changed positions on their quality control since EP1 came out and they dumped a whole bunch of crap on us just to fill a buzz of the movie. I even think the CEO has been changed also because he is making very stratigic (sp?) alliances with other companies i.e. Raven and BioWare. Very smart because obviously they have no one in house left to do anything worth a crap.

As far as it being like Elite Force there could be a few similar aspects of both games but it has one thing that no ST game will have and that is the Lightsaber. Hate to harp on an old subject but it IS the perfect weapon and I think Raven will have it down to a Star Wars tee! We as gamers are much more critical now a days (post-Half-Life) than we were in 1997, when a "feature" was mouse look. I choose not to be too hard on JK2 and enjoy it no matter what it comes out to be, because the day it comes out that Quake3 engine will shine with all the mods/skins/levels that will pour into the community.


BTW Vader was tough, his hand hurt he just didn't show it.

nuff said.

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re: Obi re: btw, Vader's glove wasn't indestructable, it was made of highly condensed lightsaber resistant material, ***** but since he was powerful in the force, he probably absorbed the energy from Han's shots right into his body.


Since there is no canonical evidence to support the first part, I will wholeheartedly agree with the second part. ;)

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