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Bounty Hunter!!!

Boba Rhett

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What's with all the talk of this being a PS2 only game? I have nothing against the PS2, but am I the only one that read... "Bounty Hunter, coming this fall to the PS2 AND Gamecube?"


Anyways.... This is GREAT news! I've been waiting for a game like this ever since Dark Forces... I believe this may end up being the best of the prequel games... And best of all, it'll be on the Gamecube (and PS2, but I don't have one of those... LOL). I hope it's fully optimized for the Gamecube's beautifull controller :).

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Originally posted by Cracken

Yay, everyone jump for joy at the prospect of playing a non-hero, depthless, action figure character. Sheesh, gimme a break. I need a game like this like I need an infected scrotum.



He won't be depthless at all after AotC comes out and it's about time we get to step into the shoes of a bad guy! I'm all for this game! :thumbsup: Kyle katarn doesn't exactly have alot of depth, yet your waiting for a game about him aren't ya? :p



*shrugs* maybe you need an infected scrotum. :D;)




Silent_Thunder, It's because at the time, we didn't know it was going to be a multiplatform game. That was just announced today. :)

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I think I'm getting it for Gamecube. Now we'll have to wait and see which one is better, but I like the Cube's controller better and it has better graphics. The game will undoubtedly be almost exactly the same.


BTW - Did you guys notice in LEC's press release that Skywalker Sound is creating sounds for the game? I assume that that means that they are paying extra special attention to this game. That's a great thing.


Let's just hope the game is good. LEC is so unpredictable when it comes to quality. You never know which games are going to blow you away and which ones will simply blow. :jango:

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Whomever is moving this right now "I just know there's someone ;)" Would you merge it with my Bountyhunter thread in the Swamp?

Done :)


7-7ighlander people can talk about anything they want here (except illegal stuff). And please don't shout.

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Guys, I'm not sure if know this, and if you want to avoid spoilers stop reading now, but:



Jango Fett gets his head chopped off by Mace Windu in AOTC. Now, look at Georgie's pattern of villains since ESB:


ESB: One main villain (Vader), and his cool action-figure lackey (Fett)


ROJ: Three main villains (Palpy, Vader, Jabba) and a cool-looking action figure lackey who dies after 10 minutes of screen time and 4 lines (Fett)


TPM: Two main villains (Nute and Palpy/Sidious) and a cool-looking action figure lackey who gets halved (Maul)


AOTC: Two main villains (Sidious and Dooku) and a cool-looking action figure lackey who gets beheaded (J. Fett)


Hell, Bounty Hunters were put into ESB on a whim, not as major characters. I honestly wish that they'd make a game where you get to play as a Stormtrooper or a Rebel trooper.

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