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Look Here! GOLD!?¿


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No kidding that would be great if it was released before spring break ...<roars with laughter at the people who dont get spring break anymore>... I would be glued to my comp for 24....no..48?...(what the hell is 24 x 7:D )...oh 168 Hours:D .




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Maybe afterall my pestering of the LEC store will stop. Let's hope the US gets it before April. It would be the best news I could get before Spring Break. OH YEAH!




Do u guys only think about US???? i mean, im in canada(your north neighbour) and i have heard only ppl thinkin about the release date in the US............im not complaining but will u guys stop thinkin only of yourselves and think of the others?????


*i know, im gonna get killed for that but im doin it for all of the non US ppl*

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When they say US, they basically mean Canada, dude. We are both pretty much a like.


But perhaps when concering release dates they should refer it as NORTH AMERICA instead of US.




u r the smartest person here dude


*oooohhhh smart he is....Look, big guy with shining sticks, smart.....very smart*


oh and don't worry MustangMatt302, im not refering to u

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Yeah, I hope also. Maybe when they meant "UK", they really meant "United States Kicks A$$". Muhaha.....No offense to any of my relatives from England. It would ONLY make sense that since the US should get it right off the lot. Raven is sweating night and day, slaving away at hard work to produce a American retro-classic. American made, American paid for, American receive goods. =:)

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Let's all just hope the new trailer release has a BIG part of the "gold" process and maybe even a solid, concrete date. Only one more day until Spring Break <cough>....uh...I mean clean house and piss on those ditch-diggers digging up my nice spring lawn. Oh yeah......and play soccer and maybe play JediOutcast....muhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I live in Kansas. LEC told me my pre-order will ship on the day of the release. Any ideas where the game will ship from? I am trying to figure out how many it will take for my copy to arrive at my house from wherever it is shipping from. Any comments, answers, and ideas are gladly accepted.

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You know, I have an idea.. now assuming some JK2 zealot/hater with some "hÞx0r1ng" skills didn't decide to add that extra tag to play a trick on everybody who would freak out about it, let's say that Ebgames posted it in good faith..


If Ebgames would intentionally decieve their customers, they deserve to lose business over it, and they will, in all likelihood if they do stuff like this often. That just doesn't make good business sense.


It would be more likely, I think, to bet that they might have some kind of automated posting schedule.... like they feed a database full of dates, when stuff is supposed to come out, and then when that date arrives, the system posts a "GONE GOLD" by the game title. And I'm guessing the problem was that the info they fed in was incorrect, and thus it gave us the bad date.


As they say in the programming world.. GIGO... you get what you pay for. ; p

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