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Det Packs


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If you quit, they'd definitely disappear, otherwise it'd be like "You were killed by -1's detpack!" When you die, they probably go away with you (disappear or explode, i don't know. Didn't they go boom in JK?)




YAY! my 50th post :)

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Originally posted by Jedi_Overlord

In multiplay, what happens to the Det packs when you die? They either have to disappear, detonate, or stay and wait for you to respawn. If you quit a game, what happens?



Maybe they just drop right from where they were placed so the next person that comes along can pick it up...


Beats me...

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Well I dunno, the sequencer charges in JK that you dropped stayed well in place untill either the timer ran out(if you leave a sequencer charge alone for several minutes they'd explode anyways) or someone bumped into them.. no matter how many times their "owner" died since dropping them. I guess it'll be pretty much the same here.



edit: oh and BTW, I hope you'll be able to Force Push a det pack of the wall/floor, it would make entering areas blocked of by a field of det packs so much easier, or it would be hilarious to push a det pack into the face of it's original owner lol)

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