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JK2 MP Gone South?


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I said in another post, this game is aimed at the Quake/EF comunity more then the old jedi knight comunity. I don't see why you lot are complaining. The MP is going to be a superb aspect of the game. I'd say it's the only game with both a good story line for the single plyayer and a good looking multiplayer thats come out in a while. Just be ahppy with what u are getting :).


If you look at the trailer, the 1st multi player scene, the one with the jan model with a pourple/pink light saber, when they use the light saber it comes into cntact with a sheild, which portects the player until it's gone. I would think u'd have to hit someone with full sheilds at least 2-3 times to get some health damage inflicked.

Multi player is going to be a totally different style of play compared to the single player were one saber hit = a kill.


The game is going to be a variety of guns and sabers. if your playing a ctf match and someones running @ u. You have the choice between a saber and a rocket launcher.....what would you pick? I have to say the rocket launcher for me...blow the bugger up rather then risk getting into a heavy saber battle and being killed. Were as in close range the saber would be best. perhaps a saber thro.



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As a non-MP player, I can, on the one hand, say I don't care.


But as someone who is sure that there'll be bots and plans on getting a broadband connection soon, I think the saber play is going to be fine. For a start, you can use it as a ranged weapon too so there's going to be some skill in that. Coupled with ranged force powers and powerups, it should be quite a laugh.


Can't comment on how it'll compare to JK MP as I never played it.

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Originally posted by Krak3n

if your playing a ctf match and someones running @ u. You have the choice between a saber and a rocket launcher.....what would you pick?


Saber of course :cool:



BTW Fardreamer, just curious, but, why do you seem so convinced that the saber system is going to suck? You havent played yet have ya? :)

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It almost looks to me like Raven has included all the types of moves and saber control that the "Blade Purists" from Heretic II wanted.


It the control is similar to, but more advanced than, the H2 staff control, you can expect to see some epic saber duels not despite the acrobatics, but because of the acrobatics. Trust me.

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That's true, just look at Rurouni Kenshin, that anime features some jaw dropping swordfighting scenes, partially thanks to the amazing acrobatics used in the battles to avoid the opponent's attacks and/or to get the upper hand in the fight, like to surprise the opponent or just get in the right position to perform a winning blow, acrobatics can indeed make a fight all the more impressive.

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Originally posted by bostonjedi

I'll give you a scenario:


Player A and Player B enter in a Saber only battle.


Player A thrusts at player B, player B Flips right over his head.

Player B thrusts at player A, Player A Flips right over his head.


and this goes on until one of them gets pissed and says "stop it"


In Jedi Knight all you could do was strafe or jump to the side.


I think the sabre battles will lose their serious gameplay side and just become novelty play like "in the movies" and now for some of you who could care less about the serious gaming in the JK community this is great..."movie moves are fun!" but for I, it doesn't look so great.


Science in Saber battles is boring and predictable. If thats what you like, go for it and you and the 20 other Jedi Knight players can hack it up endlessly using alt fire for your sabers and such.


I believe there will be a limit on acrobatics, so eventually Player B will get tired before A does and A will probably kill B.


Novelty? I doubt it.

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I'm going to refer to my experience playing blade only in Heretic II here, but I suspect it'll equally apply to saber battles...



There's nothing more satisfying than cutting down a player who thinks leaping around like a ninny during a duel is a) effective or b) amusing.



Here's the thing: The more moves available, the deeper the strategy. The deeper the strategy, the better the duel.


There's no novelty to having acrobatic moves, and force moves, and levels of saber expertise. Those things lend to deeper gameplay, and I'm sorry if you can't recognize that.

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yeah if you say your getting a quake 3 feeling from the game, you probably are......................becuz it was made from quake 3...I mean they showed some gun battles and suddenly the multiplayer is shot, it sucks now! c'mon they kinda HAD to since all they did in the other trailers was show sabers, there will be saber only battles, but sheesh don't be so harsh on a game you haven't even played yet

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Tomcat, saber duels will be a helluva lot more fun than they were in JK, thanks to the multitude ofmoves and swings. But to really enjoy a saber duel, both participants have to be serious about fighting the right way, otherwise it'll just be too easy to take a swing and then run for cover. Hopefully duel mode will make sure this doesn't happen, but for normal DM it seems as though it'll become the standard once again.


In order to force players to think carfeully about their attacks and parries and actually fight in a patient manner would require certain conditions to be met, which I've stated many times in other threads and I won't mention again.


But in spite of my b****in' you can be sure I'll spend many hours online hacking around with the cool moves :D

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OK, I just -HAD- to reply to this one hehe (and sorry if my post is basically a repeat of someone else's response). Here goes:


How can you honestly say that the original JK had a SCIENCE to sabering?!?!? That has got to be the weirdest response to JK sabering I have ever heard, truly.


JK1 Sabering Scenario:


Run up and secondary swing opponant

He blocks

He Secondary swings at you

You block

You strafe around and secondary swing

He gets hit

You keep strafing around and swinging and he APPEARS to be getting hit many many times

He doesn't die..

He jumps OVER you without you knowing (due to disturbing and old multiplayer coding)

He swings at your back instantly when you are still realizing where the hell he went..

You die...


Conclusion? If JK1 sabering was a science, that science is LUCK of the swing and knowing how to work with lag while staring at the same saber animations over and over. You call that serious saber fighting?


I think it would be pretty damn serious if you had a plethra of acrobatics as well as more than 2 slices under your control. Adding to that, wouldn't it be serious if you didn't know how to use those moves correctly while the oponent did? That would surely keep you on your toes during a battle.


I can already imagine my heart racing as the opponent and I are low health and in a break.. when suddenly, we charge eachother, locking sabers a moment, then force pushing each other away, followed by ground rolls/flips - struggling for survival, I spin around and blindly throw my saber at the opponant, realizing his back had been turned at that very moment as he falls <drool> :D These elements will definitly add LENGTH to saber fights, which is what most of us have always wanted, not just a 1 slice kill.


How can you think JK2 saber dueling will be constant flipping without anyone winning? If you watch that trailer you will notice force power goes down as he was flipping and such - and who's to say you could not realize his/her style and spin around, slicing his/her back as she flipped? You think they will suddenly become invulnerable? Hmmmm :)


Now, we all haven't played the game yet.. but Raven is not stupid.. they KNOW how much this game is anticipated and from what it seems, this game is pretty much perfect in every way. It is exactly what we all been wanting - for the most part. So keep that in mind :)

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Originally posted by Vrelic

JK1 Sabering Scenario:


Run up and secondary swing opponant

He blocks

He Secondary swings at you

You block

You strafe around and secondary swing

He gets hit

You keep strafing around and swinging and he APPEARS to be getting hit many many times

He doesn't die..

He jumps OVER you without you knowing (due to disturbing and old multiplayer coding)

He swings at your back instantly when you are still realizing where the hell he went..

You die...


This scenario only applies to a no-lag (LAN) game.


On the Zone it's a bit different...


Run up to the guy and swing around him with secondary fire

He gets hit

He rushes you with primary fire

You get hit

You jump over him and you HEARD your lightsaber hits him...

He got no damage



Jedi Knight is really fun when it comes to LAN parties :) Especially when your friends are newbies (sequencer charges vs. concussion rifle) :)

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the thread starter is a moron.


JK1's saber battles sucked. It was so luck oriented. Sure there was skill but the lag made it so iffy it was just lame.


JK2 is going to have amazing saber battles. I cant wait for the ladder match demos (recordings) from top players. They will be so bad ass.

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