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That screenshot is from a dated build, Olympus. There was blood at one time in Jedi Outcast. I'm worried about the final game. I hope it wasn't removed.

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I'm aware that it's from a dated build, I shot it from my copy of the Magazine, remember? ;)


All this talk about a lack of dismemberment in the final version has got me worried though, I think I'll go read through the official FAQ again and see if anything's mentioned in there...



Found this in the official FAQ...

You will also be able to destroy limbs with your lightsaber similar to what has been seen in the four films. (Obi Wan Kenobi's battle in the Cantina/Luke's hand, etc.)

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of course there will be dismemberment, why would they take it out? probably no heads of torsos though like previously mentioned. there should be dismemberment in mp though, THAT would be cool.


hey locke, hehe so much for sleeping

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[quoute]After all, I doubt Raven would put severed torsos or heads into a SW game rated "T" for "Teen".


Actually Cracken, you're wrong. Maybe I'll install Episode I: The Phantom Menace just so I can get a screenshot, but maybe it will take that to convince you...


In that game if you fall into one of the fans (very easy to do) it chops you into several meaty chunks (no blood of course). How is that any worse than cutting off one measly head off an enemy?


As far as I know, the game still got a "Teen" rating.


I guess we could just gib bodies with det packs and missiles. ; )


For now, here's some blood in Outlaws, another LucasArts T rated action game:







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Good eye there Tomcat... could be!


Okay, here's the TPM gibs... I didn't feel like playing through the entire game, but I remember people saying that Tusken Raiders could make you bleed or something later on.. anybody know?





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now that's some dismembering



someone believes that the arm in my shot is about to be cut?

I'm not sure now

In the video in some frames it looks like it's cut, but at the end it looks like it wasn't cut

anyway, there is a better proof of dismembering now

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the reason they wouldn't have put dismemberment in the trailer is because they would want it to apeal to the largest possible audiance -it is a marketing device after all.


its called appealing to the lowest common denomenator


the market for this game isnt just hardcore gamers who want to see dismemberment, there will also be people not into that sort of experience as much, and so to appeal to those consumers too they try not to make too much of a big deal about it.


thats my theory anyways



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