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LEC preorder inquiry


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I think you may be assuming too much about that email. It stated it would be shipped out on the release date. Outcast has a definite in-store date. As far as I understand the release date is the date the game ships out and the in-store date is the day it will definitely be on shelves. If I'm wrong somebody correct me. I have a feeling they are shipping the game out on the 26th or 27th and then telling stores not to put it on shelves until the 29th. The U.S. mail system isnt perfect so I would think that they ship to retail stores a few days early so that any problems with delivery can be solved and still have the game in stores on time. Plus, that email response was pretty vague. I sent lucasarts an email about my pre-order and asked them specifically when it will be shipped. Hopefully they will give me a more precise answer. BTW, I checked gamestop, they have the release date set for 3/27/02 on the regular version and 3/28/02 for the collector's edition.

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Its a good thing that I decided to buy it at a store when it comes out. I had a horrible experience when I pre-ordered Episode I on VHS when it came out. I ordered it because a free copy of the Episode I Insiders Guide came with it. I didn't get my Episode I tape until a whole week after it was in stores. And to pour salt in the wound the Episode I Insiders Guide that they sent was scratched and didn't work. I called them and they wouldn't even swap it out. I think this was from Bestbuy.com . :(

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That's it, I'm sending another message to "Sara" from LEC and asking if the product is shipped on the release date or the in-store date. That should lay this debate to rest. I'll report whatever I find.

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I don't wanna be rude, but, I'd hardly compare LucasArts to Lucasfilm when it comes to games. Just because things didn't work out with your Episode 1 video has nothing at all to do with LucasArts' shipping for games. They're two different branches. Anyway, I'm keeping the faith in LEC...... I've had nothing but good results with them and I expect good results this time around as well.


Sorry, DVD... my mistake. Either way, don't get sour on LEC just yet. Especially if you haven't had too much experience with them.

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i'm just wondering if anyone has heard anything yet.. if it really won't be shipped until the 29th..


if it is shipped the 29th that would suck since its a friday and the sunday doesn't count as a shipping day..


i would definately rather cancel my order and just truck it on down to the local EB..

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I got a reply from the LucasArts company store.....same exact response that was already seen. Apparently it was an automated response, I did however pre-order from EB when it was only 40 bucks, they sent me an update that the ship date is now the 27th, so I'll just cancel my LEC order....didnt need the lapel pin anyway. EB and Gamestop right now have free shipping or discounted over-night prices. As to when Lucasarts will ship...could be between the 26th-29th, anybody's guess is as good as mine.

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I just went to EB's website and Gamestop's. As of right now niether one is selling JO for less than $49.99. While Gamestop is offering free 2-day shipping and EB is doing the same (or $5 off overnight shipping), It still appears that people ordering from either one of these places will probably still only get the game on the 29th. Looks like there's not going to be much difference between these places and LEC.

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I just went to EB's website and Gamestop's. As of right now niether one is selling JO for less than $49.99. While Gamestop is offering free 2-day shipping and EB is doing the same (or $5 off overnight shipping), It still appears that people ordering from either one of these places will probably still only get the game on the 29th. Looks like there's not going to be much difference between these places and LEC.

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When you get it from LEC will depend on a) where they ship it from and b) where you are in relation to a), and of course WHEN they ship it. I don't have to have things shipped from EBgames overnight, for example, since I am very very close to the FedEx distribution center.

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I was concerned with this so i emailed LEC and this is the response i got



Hello Andrew,



Thank you for your reply. The LucasArts Company Store new game policy is

"When you pre-order a new game you are guaranteed to receive your order

in-home the same week the game is available in stores or we will refund your

shipping and handling charges (valid for the U.S. addresses only)".



Please contact us if we can further assist you.



Thank you for your patience,

LucasArts Company Store





hehehe that is why the shipping handling is free.. so they don't have to refund you anything




on the other hand do they mean.. if the game comes out the week of the 29th that we will receive our game by saturday?


meaning that week or is it.. within a week of when the game comes out.

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Uhm, the same week?


That can still be later than the stores. If i lived in the US (but i dont :rolleyes: ) I'd just walk into one of those EBs (i was in the us once, those stores are cool, dont have anything like it here) and BUY the copy right there and then

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That e-mail is a load of crap. It's a standard e-mail they send to everyone who asks about pre-order shipment. I got the EXACT same letter over a month ago when I was asking about when I would receive the game. Don't take it literally. All it is is a disclaimer.

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I would think everyone will have it by the 29th that preordered with Lucasarts. I canceled mine today though. I got it at EB when it was 10 bucks cheaper and I ordered overnight delivery, so I may even get it on the 28th with EB's new ship date. I would rather get the game by FedEx instead of USPS anyway. I don't really wanna hurt the mailman if he sticks the game in the wrong mailbox, but you gotta do what you gotta do. :)

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