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NRI Theory


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There have been a few posts about how light sabers work on this site and how they need a focusing crystal. If you look at the NRI report from the 14th Feb it mentions Artusian crystals. It sounds like the empire could had taken these crystals and be using them to produce the light sabers for the reborn.


Just a theory.

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Could be. Some of the info on lightsabers in the EU is confusing and contradictory (is the saber plasma? optical? force field trapped "pure energy"? etc), but at least a couple of sources seem to indicate that a person could just synthesize the necessary crystals for use in the saber. So why couldn't a well-funded group just start up a saber factory?


There could be all kinds of reasons.. perhaps certain crystals are better than others for the purpose, or perhaps obtaining the natural crystals is cheaper than manufacturing them. Who knows...


If you're right though, that's an interesting idea. They'd need at least a few of the suckers lying around to supply all those saber-users. ; )



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In the novel "Shadows of the Empire" Luke returns to Tatooine to manufacture a new lightsaber to replace the one lost on Cloud City when dueling with Darth Vader. He builds the saber using a manual he finds in Obi-Wan Kenobi's old hut, and the book mentions that the best 'sabers were made with natural gems. Luke made his own gem in a small furnace due to the shortage of such gems on a dustball like Tatooine. It's a fair bet that those gems would be relatively rare and only available on Empire controlled worlds at the time of the original trilogy anyway.


Whether this is 'official' or not I have no idea. Mind you, I would think it would be in keeping with the nature of the Empire to get the gems from a natural abundant source, as opposed to spending the time and resources required to make them as the book suggests.

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