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Im sorry to be a pain, but my posts on the Trilaer 2 discussion keeps on being ignored. Now I wouldnt ask normaly because I dont think its fair, but I would like to see the trailer soon, I dont want to d/l it from home due to Modem being a 56K, but here at work im on BroadBand and can d/l it mins.

If some one has got a mirror for were the Trailer 2 is coul the email me or PM me with a link as I cant install QT5 here at work due to lack of Admin rights, but I can dowload sutff :(


Please help, and I shall help you guys back by showing somthing that will make you go WOW! from AOTCTC :)

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I feel your pain. If I couldn't see that AWESOME trailer I'd be upset too. Man, it is SOOOOO good, I wish I could help you out. I am pretty ignorant when it comes to internet stuff like you describe, but I AM knowledgable in the BEST game trailer EVER! I must have watched it 30 times. I would like to see your AOTCTC goodies. But if not, I'll go watch the trailer again and again and again....


Really dude, I can't help you out. Sorry. I think Lucas Arts is the only place to get it. Maybe during your lunch break you can go home and start the d-load so you have it soon after you get home.:)

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Originally posted by Anakin

lol- Sorry Wacky- in his PM he said 'Do you have AOL/AIM or MSM so that I could send it to you. That was my response :)

Oh. :o:D

Dont you have it Wacky??

Yeah, I have it - it's 20MB or so, though, so it would take all day for me to email it to you (I'm on 56K) :(

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I can email it to you. I'm at work now with a T1. Is there a legal problem with transferring via AIM? If Wacky or I can email it to you, why couldn't AIM be used? I just want to know so that I don't do anything illegal or against forum rules. Let me know if you want it.



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