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What an Interesting Game

Guest BlackMantis

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Guest BlackMantis

Hello All:


Yes, I picked up my copy yesterday, and played for about 5 hours or so (maybe a little less). It is funny, because when you don't have this quasi-symbiotic attachment to a game, (which I think is mostly originated in our minds), you feel much less partial when giving feedback to people.


As an example, I have been looking forward to Wizardry 8 for so very long, that for me to give a fair review of that game would be absolutely ludicrous... if it is only marginally good, I would probably just love it, just for being released! Know what I mean?


Anyway, I have no such feelings about SW:BG.... only a simple desire to play the game on-line with my brother, who thinks it's the greatest thing released since sliced bread. That being said, this game strikes me as very interesting, and here's why:


1 - The Graphics: O.K. Nothing more, nothing less. The good news is that they did a great job representing so many different Star Wars units... the bad news is... they just aren't going to win any awards. Do they serve the purpose... I think so. Are they downright "bad", like others are stating... not in my opinion.


2 - The Gameplay: Good, bordering on Great. Many people would argue that since this is a Strategy Game (RTS to boot), that this category means more than any other. I don't know if that is absolutely true, but it is possible. I'll tell you one thing, Gameplay is certainly ONE of the most important factors in ANY game. But honestly, when you are dealing with armies of Star Wars units, and using a tried-and-true engine, there is no chance gameplay will suck; it's that simple. LucasArts added enough to make the game play differently than AOK, no matter what any critic may say. Is it "vastly different"? - Nope. But does it really need to be? - Nope.


3 - Fun Factor: Here now is a major key! To me, this factor, which is RARELY rated by most reviewers, is the key to all games. Why? Because it IS A GAME! Games are supposed to be entertaining, if not always "Fun". Well, here is where the greatness of SW:GB will out-shine many competitors. Word of mouth will spread about this game being a total blast to play with other people, I can almost guarantee it. If not, something is wrong. Let's face it... Battle Realms, Empire Earth, SW:GB, and a few other RTS's have all been released around the same time. That is some stiff competition for all those games. I think, Fun Factor, above all else, will determine what people stick with and play most, and SW:GB might just run away with this category.... we will see.


There are so many areas I did not cover (A.I. being the most obvious) because I have only played the game for such a short amount of time. But my initial thoughts are that SW:GB is going to be a wonderful game to play for a long time to come, and NOT because of graphics or gameplay necessarily. And this is why I say it is an interesting game. Simply because it seems to be so much fun to play...


Critics will bash this game up and down for all kinds of reasons. I say ahead of time to those of you thinking whether or not to purchase the game: Don't bother reading their crap. You already know what they are going to tell you anyway... from the graphics quality to the old engine that is showing it's age, blah, blah, blah.


If you like Star Wars, and you want to have some fun, do yourself a favor and go get the game. I don't think you will be disappointed.


P.S. : I did not bother saying "in my opinion" after every sentence because it should be obvious this whole dissertation is my opinion, since I wrote it. Also, keep in mind these early thoughts are based on a whopping 5 hours of play.





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now now, no need for harsh words.. :)

Very nice review there. Good to hear an unbiased opinion. It's true that we've been anticipating and even discussing the actual game months before it got released.

I hope the community will boom from this day on and we'll see these forums take a nice central spot in that.

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