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What is Adventure Game Studio?

Adventure Game Studio (AGS for short) allows you to create your own point-and-click adventure games, similar to the early 90's Sierra and Lucasarts adventures. It consists of an easy-to-use development environment, and run-time engine.


The game interface is fully customizable, although the classic Sierra and Lucasarts interfaces are supported by default. You need no programming experience to make a game using AGS - setting most game options is just a matter of point-and-click! AGS manages most of the game so that you don't have to - it provides load/save game functions, inventory management, and more. All you have to do is draw the graphics and think of a plot!


Add in a few interactions (ie. what happens when the player clicks on various things) and you're done. You can even create a standalone EXE file containing your entire game, which you can then distribute. For advanced users, AGS supports scripting, which gives you even more powerful control of your game by learning a script language.


See games made with AGS | Download Now!





So, is AGS for you? Well, that depends what you want to do. It will create adventure games. It will not make platformers, straight RPG's, or any other type of game (although simple arcade sequences are of course possible).


Operating systems: Editor runs on DOS/Win95/Win98/WinME only. Games you create are also runnable on Windows 2000 and XP.

Graphics modes supported: 8-bit (256-colour) and 16-bit colour, or a combination of both, at 320x200, 320x240, 640x400 and 640x480.

Graphics files supported: Imports PCX, BMP and JPG files to use as background scenes and sprites.

Sound files supported: WAV and VOC for sound effects, MIDI, XM, MOD and MP3 for background music.

Inventory management, custom mouse cursors, text display as speech and as narrator text

Point-and-click setting of reactions to game events, with optional scripting to enable complex reactions.

Character scaling, multiple character support (as in Day of the Tentacle).

Scrolling rooms

Lucasarts-style conversation system

Set light levels for specific areas of rooms, adding to the atmosphere.

Customizable interface - you don't have to use the provided Sierra interface at all!

You can create a single exe file containing your whole game, for distribution.

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