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Lucasarts in stock date...


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You use your order number whenever you need to contact them about your order. Makes it much easier for them to look up.


Backordered is pretty much when they are sold out and are waiting on their next shipment. Don't worry about that though, it's been backordered ever since it was available to pre-order.

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I don't exactly know what to tell you. I just cancelled my order from LEC today. Do you have any stores around that sell games in the mall or anything? I went to my Software Etc. on Saturday and put a copy on reserve and they even told me they are getting it in on the 28th. I didn't want to take any chances with LEC considering how much I want this game.

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I think we need to give LEC a bit more credit. I've decided to wait untill the week of JO's release to consider cancelling my order if they havn't sent it yet or something. Thats because most people in my area don't lik star wars. I know this for a fact, when Galactic Battle gorund came out by me not that many people bought it. So, when it arrives at the best buy by where i live i could easily get it. But anyways, we do need to give LEC better credit, i know some of my friends preordered from them before and they got their games sometimes a week to half a week before it was in stores.

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Originally posted by Gabrobot





Can't be a typo? I'd say it's still a typo since EVERY stores get it near March 29, instead of 19...plus, the game just gone gold...there is no way that they can mass produce 2 billions (sarcasm) copies of the game within a week....at least I dont think...


Anywayz, if it IS 19...it's tomorrow...you'll see.....:)

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Remember though that LEC is packaging and shipping the game in North America. So they can ship what ever they want and when ever they want. it doesn't matter when the STORES get them, the company gets them first and they distribute to the stores and online services. So it could be bloody likly that the game could get shipped this week to people who have preorders and such.

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Around where I live, new releases usually are put on the shelves on a Tuesday, so people that pre-order will usually sometimes get the game before the retailers. I've worked at K-Mart, Target, and Wal-Mart and they all usually put their new releases (video games, music CD's, movies etc.) out on a Tuesday, but will recieve the product way ahead of that.... sometimes 3 or 4 days before the stock date. I know me and my friends would always get first dibs on games and such, we'd be home playing the games before anyone ever had them. Same thing with the PS2, it was a hot item and every employee in the store that wanted one already HAD one. Of course it depends on the management, had a few managers that would not allow this, but some just didn't care. I don't think many people can do this now, because if the register scans a product and it is before the release date it kicks you out of the system or some junk, so it's not really possible to do this anymore without stealing it.


Another way of ensuring you get the game 'early' is if you have a Wal-Mart supercenter that's open 24 hours, go there at midnight... you'll land you a copy pretty quick. But beware, it's almost impossible to find someone to check you out at those hours... your best bet is to just make a mad dash for the doors.

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Guys guys...chill.


I have ordered from LEC directly since years. Their products always arrived *after* EB had it in their stores. The last game i got directly from LEC was Grim Fandango and that arrived 3-4 days after stores had it.


They first ship most of their inventory to the stores. Then the pre-orders from the LEC site.


Eb pre-order is your best bet. Mail or Mall pickup.

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I was just at the site, and it didn't say ANYTHING about being shipped or released on the 19th. Maybe it was a typo, and the LEC people took it off. Don't get me wrong, I hope it's shipped on the 19th, (in time for spring break!) but it doesn't look good.

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