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The last boss is...............











.....................Your mom!!!!


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Why would you need to put things in the little spoiler tag if it's a thread clearly marked spoilers? If you read this thread (assuming an actual spoiler shows up) and got upset because you saw a spoiler, then you're an idiot for reading something clearly labeled. "I dont' want to know what happens. Hey what's this SPOILERS thread all about? oh no they should have used the tag!@."

this thread!=logic

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Why use the spoiler tag in a thread clearly marked "Spoilers"? Funny you should ask that question!


Allow me to answer...


It's because if you don't, and a moderator, who is doing their job and examining threads to make sure people are behaving, runs across a spoiler that ruins the plot/story for him and he gets so pissed off that in a fit of MADNESS bans the person's sorry a----


....not that that would happen.... but better safe than sorry.

; )

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