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Gungan Civ.


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Guest Protoss_Carrier

The Gungans have strenghts in mechs, ships, and troopers somewhat. All of their mechs are biological, i.e., they are animals with guns strapped to their backs. They also can build houses underwater. Their unique unit is the Fambaa Shield Generator, which was in Episode 1, the big animal with the shield generator on its back. Their rather fun to play.

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I've only played one game with the Gungans so far, and it didn't last long enough for me to really check them out.


I can tell you it is fun to type weird Gungan style things to your opponent though;)


"You'za is gonna get pasted if you'za come over here!"


"We'za have a grand army!"


"Me'za have a bad feeling about this!"

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Guest PhantomMenace

I been playin Gungans straight up every since i opened the box and they are kick ass! They got good mechs! I got attacked by Juggernauts from rebels and my mid level mech, the leira, a couple of those kicked its ass.. And for the guy that said famba shield doesnt effect air units...NEEEEAAAH!!! You were wrong! So build a fambaa shield generator and viola...Gungans with shielded air. The major thing that pisses me off though is that in every map i play there is an underabundunce of ORE!!! You need ore for fambaa shield generators and turrets and walls to protect your base. Their is carbon and food out the whazooo...and there's always a descent supply of nova,...but there is never enough ORE, especially for the late level upgrades to just about friggin everything! Can anyone tell me if they plan on making a patch for this game, and if so do they plan to jack up the value at least of the small ore deposits cuz this is gettin old!

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Guest jubjubjub

AOK had the same issue with lack of stone on the map. You have to use your market/spaceport to trade something you have a lot of (food, carbon) for nova and then buy ore for nova. The exchange rate isn't great, but you can get enough.

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Guest BlackMantis

Hey Gungan_Rebel :


I have also played with Gungans almost exclusively. I think they are quite a bit of fun to play! The noises they make to confirm orders are funny. The fact that their units are mostly biological is different than the other Civs, which is cool.


They have the most interesting looking walls also, which is kind of cool. Their air units are not ships, but animals, which is really different.


They do rule the seas, that is for certain. And like others have said, their "Mechs" are nothing to complain about.


The only thing that is a bit tough is that I get the animals mixed up from time to time, and I can never remember which animals need to be healed and which ones need to be repaired.


The graphics which represent them are also excellent, considering this is the AoK engine.


~ Mantis

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