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First thing you will do when you'll have the game !

Darth Ergotht

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first i think I'm gonna host my own game by myself without bots just to get the feel of the controls...then I'll add a bot or 2 and try out the saber duels...then ill play SP and then MP


doesn't matter which you play first we're gonna have a hell of a fun time with this game I think :D

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When I get home with the game, I'll go upstairs to my computer, put in the CD, and start a full install of the game. While it's installing, I'll flip through the manual. Once it's in, I'll be playing some bot matches with low level bots to get started, move on to SP. And maybe, I'll eventually try MP (I've got a bad internet connection).

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Originally posted by Generique Fin

"First thing you will do when you'll have the game"


Install it. :p


Are you gonna stick it in your drive and install it without taking off the plastic wrapping and opening the case and putting the CD into your drive? :D


Here's what i'll do:


Pick up the game, take it to the counter, pay the clerk, pick up the bag, walk outside to my car, open the door to may car, get in my car, buckle my seatbelt, take the case out of the bag, rip open the plastic wrapping, open the case, take out the instruction manual, read the manual on the way home. When i get home i'll take off my seatbelt, open the door, pick up the game and bag, walk to my door, unlock it, go inside, go to my basment, throw away the bag, open the case, throw the manual on my desk, open my CD drive, insert the disk, close my cd drive, wait for the autorun to load, yell at it for loading slowly, click install, click next several times, wait for it to install, yell at my computer for installing it so slowly, wait some more, clikc next again, click finish, click play game, wait for the game to load, watch the intro, make a new game file, click on options, change the settings to fit my comp, click ok, click on single player, click on mew game, wait for level to load, yell at my computer for loading it so slowly, watch opening cutscene, play the game.


That about sums it up :D Hope i didn't forget anything....

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A few levels of single player. Maybe or two.


Then some botmatches in a few different settings.

-Guns only.

-Full force and saber and guns.

-Full force and saber for me vs. guns.


Then some multiplayer. Good thing I've got a 4 day weekend starting the 29th.



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Do this happen to anybody?


When you have followed a game for a long time, when you finally get it and play it, you have to keep on resisting the urge to madly make screenies and send them to the leading fan-site for that game. ;)


After trying to find new screenies for a while, I guess it makes side-effects.

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First thing I'd do is Open the Box :)


I'd probably sleep all day March 27, and 28...then on March 29th:


Probably feign sick and sneak to BestBuy when my mom goes to work...


Come back, open the box :)


Admire the CD cover and the manual cover :p


Then ever so gently put the CD in my DVD rom...




Then play for 2 days straight on SP and tell my mom it's a C++ Project :p (she doesnt anything about computer ;))


Then play MP for another 2 days...


Bring it to LAN party during Spring Break and play my friends over LAN connection...


Yes the Future is Bright :)

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