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I just had to address the trailer disses about no saber battles


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For those who are complaing, "why arent their any long saber battles" man this might make the game weak"


Lets start out


1 Because it is a trailer obviously the person wants to give a well rounded view of gameplay to excite all fans, plus if the majority of the trailer was on one saber battle then you would complain about it getting stale.


2 Did ever stop to think that saber wielding enemies although weak will appear throughout the level, so in order to keep the game flowing you wont have to battle one guy, turn the coner for another battle and then up a level around the corner for another 10 min battle. That would make the game too slow. Considering this though


3 Of course saber battles can be log depending on who it is and what your level of skill is and the stances you use iin the battle.

However its more likely that the boss jedi will be more agressive and assert more variety of moves than his henchmen. from the little that weve seen of the henchmen you can find holes in their defense and cut them in half and such if you make the right moves and that is where (the thing everyone here swears they have) skills come into play.

Whereas the boss AI agression will be greater you will have longer battles and that depends on your level as well.


It is what it is.

Anyone wanta add something good not just spam, its yours.......

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Because it is a trailer obviously the person wants to give a well rounded view of gameplay to excite all fans, plus if the majority of the trailer was on one saber battle then you would complain about it getting stale.


I don't think anyone was asking for the "majority" of the trailer to show a prolonged sabre fight? All people were asking is are prolonged sabre fights possible since the trailer doesn't show any?


The overwhelming majority of people here WANT great sabre fights.


In this context, it is a little strange (to say the least) that a few seconds of the trailer wasn't dedicated to showing maybe a few thrusts, parries and blocks instead of single slashes, one hit blows and sabre throws.


The fact is this game is promoted primarily around Jedis fighting with light sabres, and all we've seen so far is the outdated hack and slash stuff. Hopefully the game will allow more skillful fights :)



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