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LEC's Collector Tin SOLD OUT!!


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I check the LEC JO site at 12:03 AM this morning before I posted. I went to the LEC store and clicked on JO. A little window pop-up came up and displayed that JediOutcast was SOLD OUT. What were the chances of it happening on the "back in-stock date" on 03-19-02? This must definitely be a pure sign, nothing less.




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Originally posted by Cracken

What is so special about the "Collector's Tin"? It's a damned computer game, for Chrissake! What am I gonna do, place it on a pedastal and look at it for 2 years? That's why I have action figures!



Well Said Cracken. I agree its just a damn tin with a bunch of games I already have and a keychain. They should have put something in the CE like a mini lightsaber or a little blaster rifle or action figure and than maybe, just maybe I would consider getting the CE.

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Yeah, like I need another keychain or lapel pin. Do people really think that stuff will be WORTH collecting? Trust me, you won't fund college with a JO lapel pin and a tin box. Although I do agree that it would be cool if they included something worthwhile, like a demo disc with some new AOTC games, or a limited-edition action figure, or even a full-size poster. Look at the RtCW Collector's Tin: it came with a damned sew-on patch that no one wanted to wear because it looked like a Nazi insignia!

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Originally posted by Cracken

What is so special about the "Collector's Tin"? It's a damned computer game, for Chrissake! What am I gonna do, place it on a pedastal and look at it for 2 years? That's why I have action figures!


For some people it *does* matter ... those who keep the boxes and such. Again - it's a *collectors edition* ... if you aren't a collector, you don't 'get it', so don't buy it


BTW - about the only thing I collect regarding games is ... well, game disks - 5.25, 3.5 and now CD after CD after CD ... :) I don't care if it comes in a box *at all*, let alone caring what size box or tin ...

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