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56k, a no no?


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jk2 w/ 56k will be very possible, especially if people are actually smart and use dedicated servers...usually the idiot 56gay users are either smart enough to know that hosting a server on a 56gay is suicide or dont have any idea what a dedicated server is =)


so therefore, most dedicated servers will be run on relatively good machines and fast connections, and that is the most determinging factor in lag (that is a large factor, but there are others, such as the individual users' lag)...but anyway, the pings are playable....i would be fine playing jk2 on a 56gay....it will be somewhat annoying though =)

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Originally posted by UseDaAgression

My Quesiton!!!: Anyone have DirectTV ADSL im going to get it but dont wanna be stuck with a crappy service!! Newbie Question - Is upload when you are connecting or playing off someone eles computer or somthing???


upload is when you send data to others

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I find the HL engine to be VERY annoying. Making the majority of the code client side instead of server side was a bad idea on VALVe's part.


No Half-Life's netcode is very, very good and not at all annoying unless you're on a really bad serrver, but otherwise, it's excellent and it'd be much better if they had that netcode for jk2... not the engine mijnd u :)

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I want to get a cable connection but I dont really want to pay for a seperate connection for everyone's computer in the house. And I dont want to have cables running all down the halls and everything. Whats my solution here.


You could get something like this: http://www.dlink.com/products/broadband/di714/


and set up the computers in other parts of the house with wireless network cards. Works pretty well :p

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I'd advise you not to get your hopes up. Considering the many subtleties that JKII will incorporate now with increased saber tactics/maneuvers, I don't feel that 56k would be able to handle that, and give you a fair response in return. A delay of half a second could shift the balance in a saber fight, it seems.


I could be wrong, but I never had much luck with 56k, unless the server I was on had very few people on, and this is across Q3/RtCW. Pings usually were around 260. Not _really_ bad, but I'm of the opinion that you'd need a much lower ping to increase your chances in the deadly dance of saber-play that will soon take shape on the JKII servers... ;)

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i used 2 play the EF demo online on my 56kbps modem wif my 350Mhz K6-2 and my Voodoo 3...(dont worry i have a new machine now!) and apart from being slow 2 load the levs....(yeh i no 1 guy was on 9 frags in a 10 frag game by the time i was loaded) and Q3 has that new data compression software so playing Q3 on my 1Ghz Athlon and Ge3 Ti 200 with a 56k conneion is a bit laggy every now and then but it is not that bad...


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Originally posted by Krak3n

I played Elite Force and Quake 3 with 56k for about 6 months and i have to say my ping was on average of 190-200. At that point it is really laggy but playable. 56k is no longer adequate to games online now, as more and more people go broadband. If u can get bruadband as soon as possible. No dial up, instant connection...fast connection, average d/l of 60kb/s, i tell ya once you get bruadband your whole perseption of the internet changes. :D

Yes, I suppose you would gain a new perspective on the internet. So many new decisions, like "Maybe I'll get some pornography today" Or "I think I'll get pornography" Or maybe even "Are you up for pornography? I know I am!" Stuff like that. It really makes you rexamine the internet. :)


<--- 26,400 and proud, baby.

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