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Hey.. whats this?


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when all else fails, look at the trailer :)


it give you no idea what its there for, but anyway.


i looked at the trailer again, that blue thingy only appears during the MP scenes, not in SP scenes. And its not always blue - at one point when whoever was playing as Jan - the arc was yellow...


Anyway - there ya go ;)


-Perkz - confusing the masses

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Hm, problem with the on/off-Theory as far as the trailer is concerned is that in most passages of the trailer Kyle's Lightsaber is lit ,while the blue arc isn't!


So in for another theory:

There are three states to be witnessed in the trailer:

blue arc

unlit arc

yellow arc


According to the interviews there are three lightsaber styles:





So maybe the arc mirrors the chosen fighting stance:

i.e. medium probably being unlit and fast and strong being blue and yellow or vice versa !

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i think i know what's the code of colours.


Look at jan in mp, she making huge swings and slow at the first time we see her... Yellow glow = heavy stance it seems.


Later jan again, in dark rage:she's spining and swinging her sabre like a whip... full speed... oh Blue glow = light stance


and the "nothing-glow" is surely the normal stance.


The strange thing is sometimes we see the saber under that coloured area in the hud, where we see the selected weapon. and i've noticed that there's not always a drawing of the weapon we're using. Dunno why (i hope i've been understood).


See ya


Chateau Dur

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Exactly what I thought (see above) :) !


And after reading ChangKahn's statements about being able to switch stances simply by keypress, now i'm almost 100% sure that that's what the circle's for.


After all, there has to be some HUD Item to remind u of you're chosen stance and I believe that to be said circle :) !


Edit: And yes: Blue's got to be fast stance:


The fast stance is probably most like chudan because it is best for defense, but it does not point out towards the enemy. The saber is held in front, slightly to the left and tilted toward the upper right so that is crosses diagonally in front of the body - good for a frontal defense and quick, short attacks. In medieval longsword fighting stances, it's probably most equivalent to the pflug guard


Now look at the screenshot:

Saber in front,slighty left, crosses Body diagonally-> fast stance :) !

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by GRIMLOCK

gee.. i knew that first thing... i'm amazed it took so long for others to notice it....

then agian

maybe i'm the only one who reads the manuel? :)



The manuel ? :p LOL



hehe I couldn't believe the amount of thredage before someone figured it out either - it says in the manual dudes!


I tend to use yellow most - short swings and stabs in tight spaces.

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