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New Gamemode Suggestion (Too Late)


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I have a suggestion for a new gamemode for JO: Assassination! Here's what you do:


Imagine TFC's hunted map, but with lightsabers, starhips, and turret blasters. There's a team of Jedi that have lightsabers and defensive Force powers only (like absorb, jump, mind trick, etc.), and they have to protect a VIP (using the Mon Mothma skin, or Leia if she's included.) The VIP only has a small blaster pistol, and is slow but heavily armored. Trying to kill the VIP are the opposing team, the Sith. They are armed with lightsabers and offensive Force powers (lightning, push, throw, etc.). Now, the use of lightsabers and Force powers greatly emphasizes teamwork, even more so than the original Hunted. After all, the Sith can always just Pull away the VIP's blaster, then move in for the kill.


The object is for the VIP to make it to her ship, which is defended by multiple blaster and/or missile turrets that the Jedi can control. Also, the Jedi will have blue or green sabers, and the Sith will have red ones, to further differentiate between the teams. So whaddya think?

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A gameplay mode like that could kick some serious arse. Having 3 or 4 jedis defending your measly blaster holding butt would seriously rock. Esepecially if your shoting at the dark jedi while they are engaged in duels heh (only because id love to see a shot blocked off the lightsaber and go back to the sender :D ) . I say any mod that helps imerse a player into the "jedi" role is gravy. I dont like ctf because honsetly...why would a jedi capture a flag? boo urns to that. As for duels....*drools* thats where its at.

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interesting idea. may i make one small suggestion tho?


i think the VIP should be a bot with some good AI, rather than lumbering a guy being the VIP.


or if u dont like that the person that kills the VIP becomes the VIP when its reset, and the person that was the VIP becomes a defender and one of the defenders becomes an attacker (all this would be random placements of course)

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Ok, nice to see that we have support for that gamemode, but I have another idea:




Here's the concept:


The Heroes, armed with Blaster Rifles, Repeaters, and Disruptors have to rescue the Princess from a cell block, prision facility, or railroad car. The Princess is a player who, upon release, will get a blaster pistol. The Heroes also get one Jedi with only basic force powers (Jump, Push, Pull) plus Heal.


The Bad Guys have to prevent the Princess' rescue. They have security cameras to pinpoint the Heroes' position (the Heroes can, of course, shoot them out), plus Flechettes, Trip Mines, Blaster Rifles, and Detpacks, to booby trap the facility. They also have a Sith, will basic powers plus choke.


There is a time limit for the Princess to be rescued before she is Terminated. Also, the Heroes have a droid that they can contact if they become trapped or need access to a particular area. However if the droid is discovered by the Bad Guys, they can use an Ionization blaster to disable the droid for the duration of the round.


There you have it, two gamemodes to put the SW feeling back in the game, one for Gunners and one for Saberists.

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Originally posted by Silent Wolf

boo urns to that.


lol Are you saying boo? or boo-urns?


I was saying boo-urns





but i'd have to disagree with the CTF statement. Game w/o CTF are games that I would not buy, being an avid Tribes player and all. CTF doesn't have to have a point, did Tribes have a point? No. But it was one of the best MP games ever (the best imho)

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