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possibly spoiler

Darth Ergotht

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Ok, first of all. Di you read the description of the Reborns on the official site ? It is said they want to bring back the Empire. So, that means the remaining forces of the Empire will work wirk Dar Jedi



So there is a chance in the game that we will have to face a Palpatine clone or something. It might ven be the guy "i sense you Jedi". What do you think about that ?


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I don't think it's him, he never uses a lightsaber. My theory is this:


It's a wild idea, and I'm pretty sure it's not right, but what about Kyle's father? I know he's supposed to be dead, but how many times have we heard that before? There was a screenshot somewhere of the back of a character jumping, he was wearing suspenders. Just a thought. Feel free to flame:D


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Originally posted by Thrawn


It's a wild idea, and I'm pretty sure it's not right, but what about Kyle's father? I know he's supposed to be dead, but how many times have we heard that before? There was a screenshot somewhere of the back of a character jumping, he was wearing suspenders. Just a thought. Feel free to flame :D


Interesting idea, but:



while it would be a surprising end boss, we know from JK that while Morgan was strong in the Force, he had no training and had never developed his force abilities. Still, I suppose the Imps could have trained a clone of him.


Also, in what screenshot do you see a character wearing suspenders :confused:? I'm pretty sure I would have remembered that. I don't know what they are where you are from, but over here in the UK, suspenders are the kinky items of ladies' underwear that are used to hold up stockings :D ! I think you meant braces yes? (Worn by men to hold up their trousers);) .


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