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HEY! looky hear! i found somthing you all missed!


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it conserns the newest screenies, the one's with a lightsaber icon

over the force powers level and a nifitie blue (maybe) bar.

pics below





























ok older one first


this is the one with the blue bar



this is the newest from today


now the bar is YELLOW???? :confused: :confused: :confused:


ok what gives?

idea no. 1: maybe we have to "GASP" RECHARGE THE SABER! i dont think that has evr been done before in any thing, BUT its the only thing that makes sense to me...... it does not show the sab color, both are blue.


need help with this one guys.........:D


edit damn adds hehehe:D

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maybe it is how much the blocking is goin like say it starts at blue and then after u block 4 awhile it will change colors 2 like yellow then start going red maybe and when its at red that mite be the point where u mite get hit or something...:confused: :confused: :confused:

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lock-o-meter only makes scence if hes locking someone, that 2nd pic looks more like hes deflecting a blaster bolt to me. :confused: what its look like to you?


edit ps: if it DOES tell when to do things, thats about as useful as a "upshift" light on a 5-speed car:D :D :D in other words USELESS! if you cant tell when to force push..... i think a "run, luke, run!" light is more useful for the noobs dont you?:D (runs from noobs :mob: )

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

lock-o-meter only makes scence if hes locking someone, that 2nd pic looks more like hes deflecting a blaster bolt to me. :confused: what its look like to you?

To me, it looks like Kyle is blocking (and locking with) a Reborn's sabre attack - the reborn is almost totally obscured by Kyle's body :)

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Ahhh. After looking at the screenshot gallery on the official site I have figured out what it is :) It is a graphical representation of the amount of ammo for the current weapon :) In all of the older shots when he has the saber out and the display is up there is the regular blank blue color. But when he has guns out and the console is up there is a number in the center of the semicircle and then it is lit up to various degrees due to the amount of ammo left in the gun. They just spiced it up a bit :)


EDIT: Oops forgot this. While using the saber this will be fully lit and then the color probably does show you what stance you are currently in.

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I think that it shows stance like said above. There isn't any other meter that shows that and I imagine that unless you are standing still you wouldn't be able to tell what stance by looking at Kyle. Actually the more I think about it, i'm pretty sure that its stance.

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yeah its a shoe as i look at it. also if you look RIGHT over kyles head, what apears to be a display in the backround, might be the head of his actacker. but if it is that dudes got a REALY green head:D


also looking at the foot: its at kyles hip i dont see how he can be locking him AND being hidden compleatle behind him, unless that ***** pic rears his ulgy mug again. never say if you kill him or not in jk1. or a clone.:D


edit: scrap that thing about the dude having green skin, at the "foot" i see a sliver of green also. the dude(ete) must be wearing a green body-suit or robe. ideas?

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i see the 2nd saber now, but it was easaly mistook for a baster bolt.(imho) how about a blow-up of the "foot" maybe 'o news-bringer???:D


still the size thing. if his foot is at kyles hip and we can see the top of mr. unknowns head where it is, what shape does this guy have to be to lock kyles sab? maybe realy slim? un less thrown maybe?


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Whoever he's fighting, it's not a normal reborn. His enemy is wearing gold shoes, greenish pants, and has a bluish head. That doesn't sound like any reborn I've seen in the screenshots. My guess is that this is some sort of boss that Kyle is battling with.

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