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Good thing I ordered from LEC...


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So awhile back I decided to pre-oreder JO since it looks so freakin sweet and I thought to myself, where better to order the game than from the COMPANY THAT MAKES IT. Obviously this will get me the game the soonest since they MAKE THE GAME. So I pre-ordered the game from LEC and I got real excited for awhile until I got on here. And all I hear is...EB is the way to go, no one will get it before EB, haha to the suckers that ordered from LEC, and so on and so forth. So just as I was at my all time low...I read this new post...LEC shipments delayed 2 weeks. And now I think I will jump out of my window. Good-bye everyone. Its been fun.

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Its not that hard to beleive. I mean, Heh, It IS Lucasarts... Always screwing something up. They LOVE to give themselves a bad name. Its a good thing they got Raven involved, Or we would all be waiting for a obi-wan like game. I mean come on, Have any of you played obi-wan for xbox?! Every time I see it, I start laughing to the point my stomach hurts! And obiwan was gonna save lucasarts. hehe

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Uh... sounds like an ugly rumor.


If you're going to say crazy stuff, please cite your source. :)


Perhaps they were just referring to recent pre-orders... I see the tin box is sold out now (pop-up from the LEC pre-order page).

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Originally posted by Darth Maximus

Its not that hard to beleive. I mean, Heh, It IS Lucasarts... Always screwing something up. They LOVE to give themselves a bad name. Its a good thing they got Raven involved, Or we would all be waiting for a obi-wan like game. I mean come on, Have any of you played obi-wan for xbox?! Every time I see it, I start laughing to the point my stomach hurts! And obiwan was gonna save lucasarts. hehe



Yeah I must agree with you there that Obiwan was a joke. I played it on my friends Xbox that he rented out. He was so glad that he didn't buy that joke of a system or that game instead he invested it into a new PC in which he will be able to play a Star Wars Game how it was meant to be played.

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i also ordered from lec and freaked out when i read your post (although this is my first post, i enjoy reading this forum to keep my insanity level at a minimum waiting for jedi outcast). so i went to check my e-mails regarding my order and i noticed this message:


Currently the product(s) listed below are on backorder. We will

ship the product within two weeks.


product meaning jedi outcast. i read this in school and almost collapsed, but then i realized something, the date of the e-mail sent is March 13. So i think people may be just misreading this e-mail thinking that the game is coming two weeks after the release date when in reality it may come march 27 (here's hoping). although this is just a theory of mine, and it is hard for me to contend with what theforce.net says, since theforce.net rocks, but here is my hoping because if i don't get it by march 29 my spring break is ruined, so don't jump out that window yet.

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Originally posted by Miss_Stalker

Aw thats sad if its true but where did you hear it?


Thats one reason I dont like preordering, picking a copy from a store by yourselef is more better and risk free


Agreed. I do the same thing too. :)

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Have faith hahadude and Scrobes.

You never know what the future may have in store for you.

Look on the positive side if you can cancel your order and buy from a store. Be happy and don't throw yourself out the window hahadude be happy and enjoy life especially Jedi Outcast when you get it

Welcome to the forum eastcoast2895



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I really think that the 2 week delay thing isn't really creditable. I mean, if LEC really does that well then ok fine they do. I may have preordered from them but what i am going ot to is wait until next week. If my order isn ot shipped by the 26th well then hey, i'll cancel. If it is, i will sit and wait untill the game arrives at my doorstep. :D



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Welcome to the Forums Eastcoast2895 Where are you from exactly on the East Coast. I am from NH. People just need to be patient and they will be rewarded. Some of us have had to wait for this over a year so how do you think we feel. 8 days is better than waiting another year for it.

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thanx for the welcomes, feels just like home, except for the lack of furniture, but who cares with the great conversations. I also thinks patients would be a good thing Jedimaster74 (by the way i am from Maryland). what did yoda say about luke, he is too impatient? but for the people who ordered from lec, as i am one myself, i will go insane if i don't get Jedi Outcast by March 29th. well anyways, i also had a couple realizations since my last post about the 2 week rumour.

1. lec would send e-mails saying the Jedi Outcast won't come out for 2 weeks after the official realese date and i didn't get one

2. lec would not let people preorder the game anymore and change it to a regular order, but it has not it is still preorder

3. lec would have a pop up at the order page saying something along the lines of Jedi Outcast regular is sold out like they have done for the collector's edition, but they haven't


these are somethings i have just thought of that back up lec will send Jedi Outcast as scheduled. it has also given the idea that a) people have just misunderstood their e-mails like i the one i stated before or b) people are saying that all Jedi Outcast from lec will come 2 weeks late and in reality it is only the collector's edition. but then again i am someone who has ordered from lec and my parents won't let me cancel (good or bad from a certain point of view). so everything i said could be me just looking for a reason to believe that Jedi Outcast is coming out on time. theforce.net has a lot more reasources than i do to be able to find things like this out. but also theforce.net says that SOME orders will come 2 weeks late. SOME meaning not all. so hopefully i ordered in time so that i will get Jedi Outcast on time. I NEED THAT PIN oh yeah and that game that comes with it. by the way, i know raven employees go through this site, so if there is anyone out there from the LEC store can you please help put down or (hopefully not) support this rumour. just a simple date when we can expect to get that beautiful pin by would be great.


by the way does anyone think i am writing too much in my only two messages so far?

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