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Funny, but a nice tid bit of news for SWGB lol

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

I was always wondering this question even before I bought SWGB:



Can you fit an AT-AT in a transport?


The answer suprisingly is that you can fit 5 of them in it!


How weird is that?

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Guest dlayers

It seems like I vaguely remember in ESB a background shot of the AT AT's landing and they where 'compact' and then expanded before moving in on the rebels at Hoth.


So maybe we are supposed to assume that's what happens with the transport? :)

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, remember how several MTTs came out of that one landing craft in TPM, so it is possible.


The best part is though, you can fit troops into the ATATs, then you can put them into barges. Or better yet, you can put troops into Mech Destroyers, THEN put the Mech Destroyers into the Assuault mechs, THEN put the assault mechs into the transports. Yout then have an entire army in 1 transport. :D


At least, i think that works. I haven't tried fitting that many units in one before.

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Guest PhantomMenace

Dont forget that AT-AT's are walkers. It is quite possible that they can squat or sit down and fold their legs for transport.. a sort of carrying configuration so it makes since that they could be folded down into a lander thean let out. Also the transports are about the only units are relatively waaaay out of proportion. THe rebel transport from the movie was humongous but look at the size of it in the game. Still i aint complainin about a thing in this game...except i do see the swirling blue line on my shields i see the yellow line...anyone else see this...am i seeing things?

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Also if they only let you put say one or 2 walker's into a transport, the imps would be at a great disadvatage!


A few of the races have smallers assalte mechs that would seem ok to fit 5 into a shuttle. So if the imps could only put 1 or 2 into a shuttle at a time, it would cause big game ballance problems.

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