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Linux mandrake 8.2


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sorry bout that, i still have nightmares about the rh7.0 mailserver i had to build for work




linux makes for great servers. peacea crap otherwise imho :mob:

waitwait! nice os IF you can get app and drivers....... ah crap :mob: :mob: :mob::D :D :D

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Pretty sweet so far. There is one problem I've had though and it's kinda serious. 3d acceleration for my Radeon 64 DRR VIVO was supported in MK8.1 but it's broken in 8.2. I'm not sure what the problem is. I thought it would be either the config file harddrake was writting or something wrong in X but I've read the forums and the gurus say it's a kernal problem. Hopefully they'll release an update or something and I can just fix it with mandrake update tool.


NOTE: Mandrake, SuSE and I think Redhat have programs that let you automatically update your software. It's kinda like what WinXP has but the linux distros had it first ;)


Other then that, it's beautiful. I've been messing with the K Development enviromnent and It's become my favorite compiler. I haven't found any bugs or issues with anything other then my vcard. Anti aliased fonts and icons in KDE look pretty good. So far everything seems to work. The mandrake control center is reworked and IMHO is the best and easied config program of any linux distro.


Overall I'd say it's excellent, if I didn't have that issue with my Vcard then I wouldn't even consider using SuSE or RH.


SuSE 8.0 comes out in april and I'm prolly going to pick up the pro edition, especially if I want to use it to run a JK2 server. It'll have KDE 3.0 which I'm kinda excited about.




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