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Build your own MP-Jedi

Wraith Nine

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Hi! As it's possible to distribute force powers in multiplayer, I'd like to hear your opinions on distribution from what you know about force powers from reviews/trailers so far.


AFAIK there are the following powers:





Confuse(will it be in mp?)




Saber Throw

(Force Absorb ?)


(I got those out of a gaming mag, so be free to correct me if there are more/less.)


So Imagine you got 12 points to distribute, where'd you put them?


I think for Lightsaber only I'd choose:

Saber Throw: 2 points (I actually don't like lvl. 3's homing attribute)

Push:3 points (defense against Grip/Saber throw etc.)

Grip:3 points (gotta love it ;) )

Jump and speed:1 point (for evasion purposes)

Healing: 2 points (might come in handy)


For games where other weapons are allowed I'd prolly chose:

Pull: 3 points (Come here,bastard ;) ! )

Push:3 points (see above)

Speed:2 points (to get to a range-weapon-equipped enemies faster)

Healing: 2 points (see above)

Saber Throw: 2 points (see above)


Now go ahead, it's your turn :) !

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I doubt ill be throwing my Sabor often cause it leaves u defenceless.... so id keep that low..


My favorite force so far is the grip but only because the trailor has turned me to the darkside *muhaha* So id have my grip pretty high. Sence i havnt played yet im not gonna go into exact lvl of all the force skills cause i dont know what each lvl will do cause i havnt read anything that detailed....



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Originally posted by Wraith Nine

Hi! As it's possible to distribute force powers in multiplayer, I'd like to hear your opinions on distribution from what you know about force powers from reviews/trailers so far.


AFAIK there are the following powers:





Confuse(will it be in mp?)




Saber Throw

(Force Absorb ?)


(I got those out of a gaming mag, so be free to correct me if there are more/less.)


So Imagine you got 12 points to distribute, where'd you put them?


I think for Lightsaber only I'd choose:

Saber Throw: 2 points (I actually don't like lvl. 3's homing attribute)

Push:3 points (defense against Grip/Saber throw etc.)

Grip:3 points (gotta love it ;) )

Jump and speed:1 point (for evasion purposes)

Healing: 2 points (might come in handy)


For games where other weapons are allowed I'd prolly chose:

Pull: 3 points (Come here,bastard ;) ! )

Push:3 points (see above)

Speed:2 points (to get to a range-weapon-equipped enemies faster)

Healing: 2 points (see above)

Saber Throw: 2 points (see above)


Now go ahead, it's your turn :) !


This sounds like a cool idea, but wouldn't it turn this game into role playing game. I would rather leave the game as is, a pure action game!

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Jedimaster74.... The SP version of the game is Action/RPG if u want pure action play Doom...... hehe. I think earning the Force lvls in SP will rock and make it far more fun and give u more freedom to be the jedi that u wanna be. And for multiplayer its not like u have to Earn it. U just toss points into whatever u want for the fight. U can change them whenever i imagine. The more options they give u in a game the more fun it is and the longer it stays fun... Once u have done everything there is to do in a game thats when it gets boring so the best way to go is just make it so theres never a way to do everything (by giving tons of player freedom) This IMHO was a good decision and it is what they did in JK1 and it rocked.



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How is it a Rpg? Well theres a story line to it and as u advance in the game is how u decide what side of the force u will use. Its not just mindless killing all the way through the game so there is a RPG aspect to the game. Pure action is **** like Doom, where the only purpose is to kill.



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Rpg to many is the game giving u the ability to make decisions other then just "should i shoot him in the head or the nuts?" In JO u get to decide how u distribute your powers and i imagine theres alot of other aspects in the game play where you can make decisions that change your character.


Diablo is a rpg for the same reason. has alot of killing in it but u get to distribute points and pick what spells and skill u get. And theres a story line that u follow. That is a Rpg in my mind. And final fantasy is In my words Tactical/rpg

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Originally posted by Kuluwen

Jedimaster74.... The SP version of the game is Action/RPG if u want pure action play Doom...... hehe. I think earning the Force lvls in SP will rock and make it far more fun and give u more freedom to be the jedi that u wanna be. And for multiplayer its not like u have to Earn it. U just toss points into whatever u want for the fight. U can change them whenever i imagine. The more options they give u in a game the more fun it is and the longer it stays fun... Once u have done everything there is to do in a game thats when it gets boring so the best way to go is just make it so theres never a way to do everything (by giving tons of player freedom) This IMHO was a good decision and it is what they did in JK1 and it rocked.




Yeah I agree with you about how the more options they give you the more replayability the game will be. From What I heard the SP will have a lot of challenging puzzles in it.

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Nooooo.. As a hardcore RPG fan I beg of you all not to call a game an RPG just because it has changeable stats. Diablo 2 is, whatever your stats are, a pure fighting game. Final Fantasy too. As I see it, in an RPG you have choice, such as playing without fighting and still have a great experience. A role playing game should also make you feel as if you were the role you play and therefore needs an extensively developed storyline.


Planescape: Torment is an excellent RPG, Fallout 2 is another.


Now, when I´ve finally cooled down, I can live again =)

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Oh dont get me wrong i wasnt tagging it as a full blown Rpg. I love Rpgs also and this has Rpg aspects to it. I was just saying its not just a mindless killing game that most action games are. Having the option to decide how your character will grow gives it the Rpg feal to me. ofcourse in a full blown Rpg the choices are endless on how u will advance your avatar but this definently has a RPG feal to me IMHO.



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Ok "idiot" your saying that from start to finish when u play the game all u do is walk around killing non stop with no story and your character has no role in the world? There are no players to communicate with and you dont get to Control how your character developes? Is that what your saying? Cause all of which i have just said are aspects that every single RPG has in it. So shut yer hole.


And i wasnt refering to MP.... ofcourse MP will be mindless killing.



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Originally posted by Kuluwen

Oh dont get me wrong i wasnt tagging it as a full blown Rpg. I love Rpgs also and this has Rpg aspects to it. I was just saying its not just a mindless killing game that most action games are. Having the option to decide how your character will grow gives it the Rpg feal to me. ofcourse in a full blown Rpg the choices are endless on how u will advance your avatar but this definently has a RPG feal to me IMHO.




Actually it is a mindless killing game.. just with lightsabers and force powers and Star Wars and a story. :)

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