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What would be your favorite skin MP


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Well, for all those out there wanting models that JO will not have don't worry. Just take a look at Counter-Strike and the 1000's of models that are out for it. You can probably expect the same thing for JO so you probably will get to be Darth Maul, Yoda, and Vader, and even the little Emperor himself ;) I'd kinda like to play Chewie with a orange saber :)

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If they have Kyle in black, I'll use him with either a blue, green, red or purple lightsaber. I still can't decide on saber color :D


Or if someone makes a Jango Fett, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, AOTC Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon Jinn, or a Clonetrooper, I'll use one of those.


Or a cooler version of an existing character like this:





Or if someone puts Kyle's head on Luke's body and gives him 2 gloves, that'd be kinda neat. Or if someone converts the Hazard Team models from Elite Force.

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