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New JK2 in game footage *spoilers*


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The acrobatics are so sweet in this game, it looks like Luke is almost doing a cartwheel flip at the beginning. Not sure how they progress force powers as far as the secrets are conserned. Pretty much all SP FPS's have secrets of some kind it seems, would be a nice touch to see if they kept the secret areas like they did in JK1. Heh, did you notice that the 2 germans are wearing mock Jedi robes?

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Hey Fin, haben die wirklich gesagt, dass die dt. Version nicht entschärft ist? Denn die PC Action sagt, dass sie einiges rausgenommen haben.. Ich will's nur wissen, denn sonst fahr ich nach Dänemark und hol mir die international Versoin :D




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3 is done ULing




4 is busy, 44%


its a good one, shows multi stuff


one point as test, one of em has saber, guy we wtach through stormie rifle


he fires, deflecting shots... looks great IMHO


thatone will be at http://members.tusclan.com/tomcat/gigavideos/giga4.avi


should be done in 10 mins or so


not sure, fluctuating speed


count on 13 mins maybe

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OMG that duel looks good, plus the guy with the force jump was getting some real good height, he was also landing behind the other guy so the air control must be really good. I can't wait now, these movies have accelerated the excitement.


Great Stuff

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