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New JK2 in game footage *spoilers*


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What I am curious about is in the video #4 at ~5:56 the players engage in a "duel". I wonder if you can initiate that in a multiplayer game and then just get hurt by your direct opponent and not the other players in the game.

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Originally posted by Fin

What I am curious about is in the video #4 at ~5:56 the players engage in a "duel". I wonder if you can initiate that in a multiplayer game and then just get hurt by your direct opponent and not the other players in the game.


Exactly what I thought :) !

Seemed to me after engaging in the duel that both players where surrounded by a shield.

Most probably this makes them invulnerable against other players.I just hope that it also makes them unable to attack others, or we'd see invulnerable lamers gang up against others ;) !

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those will be the URLs... going up now


2.1 ETA: 25 mins or so


5 ETA: 38 mins or so


I will no watch em, then finally sleep, leave comp on. i wont post when theyre done


good luck... and thanks Fin :)



*hopes my webspace doesnt crash*

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Guest Apparition

Got them all in just 4 minutes. Thanks a lot Fin and Tomcat, you guys really rock. Now, to go watch them hehe....

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man that was a cool video. did anyone notice that when kyle force throws his saber and hits luke, he has to run and go get it back. also it seems that the ability to punch is in it when kyle deactivates his lightsaber, he starts punching luke. by the way, anyone think luke takes too much of a beating, i'm just hoping that you can make luke snap by attacking him too much and he turns back to the darkside and starts try to woop on you.

just noticed luke can die, i wonder how many hits he will be able to take. shouldn't he be able to handle himself though, he did defeat darth vader.

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Originally posted by Apparition

Got them all in just 4 minutes. Thanks a lot Fin and Tomcat, you guys really rock. Now, to go watch them hehe....


2.1 and 5 are incomplete so if you got them off my server try again later :) but i guess you got em from Fin himself :)


BTW guy 2.1 features some nice 1st person saberig footage, quite long...


looks good to me


now i go sleep, and let ULs finish :)

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Guest Apparition

I love in video 5 at about 3:45 how it shows the guys green lightsaber casting a light down the side of the wall. That looks too cool. I also like in that same video (or it might have been four) when the guy can't find him so he turns on his lightsaber and you hear, "Ohhhhh...."


Anyway, awesome videos. That mining suit boss guy seemed weird though. Didn't look like they were hurting him but I think they should have used that anti-droid gun. The one that only hurts droids and stuff. That might have taken down his shield.

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Very Nice...


Im really impressed...


Do u mind if a Start a Q and A?


Does it seem like the Chars have diff. fighting styles or is that determined by the way the charater is played.. IE : saber duels.


What is the deal with the training level.. It looks like those students are able to kill each other.... Can they...

I have so many questions....




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Guest Apparition

Oh and Tomcat, probably should say, I got the number 1 video from you twice and neither worked. Not sure what that is there. The video was already taken down on Fin's end by the time I got here. Oh well though, that more than satisfied my Outcast fix. Can't wait to configure my force powers and go running around.


Force rage and force grip hehe. If I can grab a guy and throw him around then I'm happy. All in the Tie Pilot skin most likely. Unless the infamous Shadowtrooper looks cool (which I think might be in the character selection screen, there are two that are pretty dark. One is probably the Tie Pilot).

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Fin: I've got 125 megs of space and an OC-12 connection through my web host. I'm currently getting parts 1-4 and If you release 5 and 6 I'll put those up as well. If you want to wait for me to upload 5 and 6 just send me an email with a link @ noodlygod@focuslost.com Thanks for all the work. (You too Tus)


edit - My up speed is as slow as sin for some reason, it could be up to an hour before all 4 parts are up.


2,3 and 4 are up. And now I'm putting up 5 but not 1 because apparently one of the friends I host has squandered the disk space, sooo I'm going to put up 5 because I've only seen it in one other place. Enjoy!


and now... 5.






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