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Active blocking concerns.


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Have you seen the new Videos..

There is a seen where the AT-ST is firing at kyle and it appears to me that he is holding his saber in a blocking position.. I hope its not all auto blocking.. Manual will be cool..

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i hope that it is auto blocking like jk. i want it to be more like a jedi, so auto blocking would be better because jedi's don't think i am going to block it just happens for them, but maybe it be cool if there is manual blocking where if you hold it, you can block any attack, and i mean any like lightning, that would add a little to duels if people constantly use lightning. speaking of which how is lightning counterattacked or do you either dodge it or get hit?

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If you watch the new german trailers at one point during a multiplayer match one guy swings his lightsaber at the other guy and it is automatically blocked because the other guy was just standing still. I dont know if he was holding a block button or if it did that automatically but its not like the first Jedi knight, thats for sure. A lot more "hits" in this one.

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I mean I know it will be like it was in JK, but I thought there would be an active blocking where you blocked alot more shots as well. I cant remember if it was just rumor, but I'm thinking I heard it from an official source or someone with a beta copy. I dont know was too long ago.

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In the german clips posted today, you can see the guy holding his saber above his head as he walked past an AT-ST and blocking all the shots. It looked like an active blocking stance, though I'm not sure I see the necessity for such a feature.

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Originally posted by Zek

In the german clips posted today, you can see the guy holding his saber above his head as he walked past an AT-ST and blocking all the shots. It looked like an active blocking stance, though I'm not sure I see the necessity for such a feature.



yea, it looked like a button because he started blocking BEFORE the at-at shot, although it could be sidestep + forward animation

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i always thought manual blocking would be the best. blocking shots was always a really impressive feat in the movies not just "invulnerability to blasters", so it should be a skill you have to master

realistically speaking though i think it will almost certainly end up being auto, especially if you look at the way he blocks in the trailers

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maybe both...


indeed auto blocking will be in for sure, look at Giga 4... we look with he guy who has stormtrooper rifle, he tells the other guy to stand in front of him with saber...


he starts firing and the guy auto deflects... (looks cool imho)



but active blocking may also be in, cause indeed with the AT-ST part he holds it up high in a non-stance position...


Maybe if you're expecting incoming blaster fire... maybe it means better blocking, but no attack

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In Giga4, one dude shoots his E11 at the other guy and he blocks it automatically. I mean, he didn't move his lightsaber in the direction of the blast. He still could be holding down a button, but wouldn't that make A LOT of buttons? Think about it: A toggle for the stance, activate, force power activate, force power selector, run, crouch, cycle weapon, taunts, talk, team talk. That takes up half the keyboard if you use the WASD config. A blocking button (one that's easily accessible) would be hard to input

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Ok, anyway, some of you misunderstood. THERE WILL BE AUTOBLOCKING, but I heard that there would be manual blocking as well that would just improve your ability to block things. Once again I cant remember where I heard it.


to sum things up...






I thought I heard about a manual blocking to supplement your autoblocking. (probably wrong, but i thought I heard it.)

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I am hoping that the manual blocking (if its there) will be like with the sword in mgs2. You just hold down the block button and face which ever way the bullets are coming from. Then it automatically does all these blocking moves. It looks really cool and, in my opinion, is much better than auto-blocking.

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Its Definently auto blocking..... Would make sence to have a manual block for situations where u know u will have to block and wont want to take the risk of a laser shot slipping past your sabor into your eye socket.



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The game Jedi power battles did laser blocking pretty well IMO. that game rocks once your really good at it aside from some glitches and how freaken hard some parts are. U hold a button to block and if u time it right as the laser hits u it shoots it back at the person who shot it at you. Was very fun.



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Originally posted by Krak3n

Well i was thinking that promary button (mouse 1) would be attack and secondar button (mouse 2) would be block.


secondary button is saber throw


also, i liked pwer battles, the sabering was fun... i liked the first level, but the second level, it was too hard, i kept falling to deaht, or that weird monster got me...


Then i thought a while later, i wanna play it again, lets search for cheats maybe i can skip that annoying level but my playstation was (is) broken and i sold the game to a guy i know...

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I would have just thought that it increases your blocking arc a bit. But not reading up on it at the lucasarts website, I guess they turned it into force speed. This is from the Lucasarts Website.....


"A Jedi can draw upon the Force to enhance his speed to aid him in combat, giving him a dramatic edge when wielding a lightsaber against projectile weapons."


Im not sure if that means just avoiding the shots or if that also means that the blocking is more effective.

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