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What saber stance will you use?


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I will use light and heavy, mainly heavy. Yes I may take a hit or 2 from your little light stances;), but when I drop my heavy thunder, you WILL die. :D


Did you see ChangKhans post earlier today? Heavy swings can possibly knock light defense away and still cause damage. When I find it I'll edit this and post it.




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I like a balanced set. Not medium per say, but rather switching back and forth between light and heavy stance during combat.


This is an extra plus in multiplayer as well as it can confuse human opponents who get mixed up with what stance you're in.



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Originally posted by LordRikerQ

Qui Gon might use the heavy, but you see what happened to him at the end of Episode 1 hehe.. I'll use light thank you


just warning u, if someone with heavy or to an lesser extent -- medium -- hit's u when ur blocking they can knock ur defence down and get u good :p



i'm gonna use all of em... gotta learn which stance looks like so u know what 2 use

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I will use all of them...


And not just, one fight with medium only, hell, I'll be switching during swings :)



But i think when theres no saber wielding opponent but just stormies that ill mostly go with fast... as per Changkhan's recommendation... Quickly clearing a room of stormtroopers...

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I don't know how good I'll be with duels, but if I am, I'll try to match up with my opponents stance. That way, I can pull some manuevers and combos while the guy thinks I'm just a measily light. If I'm running around, though, I'll be using light for obvious reasons.

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I suspect I will use light or medium. I do prefer speedy attacks. But I truly can't say until I have tried the game.


But in multiplayer, I think it would be semi-suicide to use a stance that's not approprtiate based on what your opponent is using. You can't just say you'll use heavy or something, when that would increase chance of loss because of what your opponent uses against you.


With an arena full of jedi using light or medium, are you really going to be the only one wielding heavy? Heh, thought you might say yes. :D Well okay.. but perhaps you see what I mean anyway. ;)

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Scrobes if you play it right then you can beat all of those medium guys :)



Also, i dont know if you guys watched the giga5.avi movie, the guy we see with the red saber continually uses heavy stance, he doesnt even switch so imagine the possibilities!

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Like i said before in another post.


Ill use a mix of medium-heavy.

Never light because id rather now screwed when i try to block a heavy.


The best pvpers u will see are the ones who can accuratly time and change stances in battle. Anybody sticking to just one will be smoked by the rest of us.




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Originally posted by Kuluwen

The best pvpers u will see are the ones who can accuratly time and change stances in battle. Anybody sticking to just one will be smoked by the rest of us.







However, never running around w/ light isn't a great idea. What if you turn a corner and u are face to face with a repeater. A medium or heavy stance will have a pretty tough time blocking all those shots.


When traveling, I'll use light, but when a duel comes along, I'll acess the possibliites

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Me, personally, will use light. I know it can be easily knocked away and such, but if you have the speed to back it up (btw, luke uses medium from what i can tell from giga2.avi), light can be very good. A slow swing against me can be dodged and attacked from the side, thats why i like the fast strikes of light. I plan on changing to medium in some situations, or even going heavy while linking it to many mediums or lights.



#insert inane personal motto here.

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In your Cornered example with a light stance a heavy would just tear you a new one right? If your cornered all u can do is block and blocking a heavy will be tuff.... I wanna take back what i said about never light cause i havnt played.... So it may rock.... ill use all 3 depending on the situtation.... and once i can time and change stances easy enough in multi then its time to kick some Azz.



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