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What kills YOUR brains?


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What subjects do you have for school, and what hour?

Mine are:


1st Period - Health 7

2nd Period - Phy ED 7 (Swimming and Gym)

3rd Period - Shop 7

4th Period - Band 7 (Trombone)

5th Period - ADV Math 7 (Home room)

6th Period - English 7

7 Period - Geography 7


Lunch between split 5th hour.

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Why "7" after everything? Anyway...each period is 45 mins long, starting at 9am, for mine:


1) Social, Personal and Religious Education

2 and 3) Humanities (currently History)

4 and 5) Technology (currenty Business Studies)

6) Lunch

7) Maths

8) English



1 and 2) Science

3) Maths

4) English

5) Music

6) Lunch

7) Drama

8) French



1) Humanities

2) German

3) Science Revision

4) English

5) Maths

6) Lunch

7 and 8) Extension Studies (I revise for Maths in this)



1) English

2) Maths

3) French

4 and 5) Art

6) Lunch

7 and 8) PE




2) Humanities

3) German

4 and 5) Technology (currently Textiles)

6) Lunch

7 and 8) Science


Well, I just wasted 5 minutes of both of our lives...

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you think that's complex? probably is actually. lets see mine anyways.

these are 50 minutes long with a twenty min break at 11 and 1 hour lunch at 1.



1. History



4.English Lit





















1.English Lit









2.English Lit

3.History (yes, twice in one day)





and that's how it goes, these are the subjects (all totalling 12 subjects and 30 lesons a week) that kill my braincells each week. i make up for it by listening to as much music over the weekend as humanely possible.;)

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Originally posted by Grannen

I suppose Kjolen's neighbourghs have moved by now! ;)




Acually for playing the Tromboner for only half a year, I am pretty good, I can play the Star Spangled Banner pretty good, and some other songs that make me ferious....."Go Tell Aunt Rhody"....Have you ever listened to that song before?


If not, go here: http://zerowing-ayb.tripod.com/rhody.wav The link doesn't work so copy and paste.

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Originally posted by MurrayDude

My school kicks ass. We get to take karate, and guitar, I get private guitar lessons as a late period, we get improv theater, intermural sports during lunch activity, we have a lot to do each day, and best of all, the homework is not really intense! :)



shut up

































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Originally posted by MurrayDude

My school kicks ass. We get to take karate, and guitar, I get private guitar lessons as a late period, we get improv theater, intermural sports during lunch activity, we have a lot to do each day, and best of all, the homework is not really intense! :)


and lets compare that to my poor private school.


the actual buildings about as big as any other school's english block, in my year at the moment (year 11) there are 8 people, that's right, 8, we only have one class per year with the exception of year seven, our years range from kindergarten to GCSE (year 11) our assembly halls about as big as the ground floor of my very small house (minus rooms) our senior teachers teach 7 different age groups. and then to top it all off, recently we've found out that the school is to be closed down and demolished, the founde of the school has just died, the school was broken into on the weekend of the founders death and pupils are leaving the school left right and center leaving a total of about 50 - 60 children in the senior school holdin 5 different yeargroups.


but apart from that, we're fine.:D

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi


and lets compare that to my poor private school.


the actual buildings about as big as any other school's english block, in my year at the moment (year 11) there are 8 people, that's right, 8, we only have one class per year with the exception of year seven, our years range from kindergarten to GCSE (year 11) our assembly halls about as big as the ground floor of my very small house (minus rooms) our senior teachers teach 7 different age groups. and then to top it all off, recently we've found out that the school is to be closed down and demolished, the founde of the school has just died, the school was broken into on the weekend of the founders death and pupils are leaving the school left right and center leaving a total of about 50 - 60 children in the senior school holdin 5 different yeargroups.


but apart from that, we're fine.:D




Ouch. I feel your pain.:D

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Canadian Studies? What's that like?


its boring.. nothing really happens in Canada - ever. We basically learn everything from Canada's involvement in wars, French/English relations, The Queen and the monarchy, Democracy, Canadian Literature, art, sports ect... Easy marks and required by the school board.

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