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Those german guys are funny


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First, I knew you were refering to Star Wars geeks.

It's just that I AM a Star Wars geek and I'm not like the Giga guys :D !


Concerning your second question:

I don't think many germans got problems with watching movies such as "Private Ryan".

This may be related to the fact that we all got raised with one thought in mind "In Germany the worst things imaginable happened: Don't ever let such a thing happen again".


So from the cradle we learn: Nazis are bad (bad as in "worst").

If you post something against jews on a german forum, or something racist, you're gonna be flamed big time, then probably banned.Nationalism is also a rather delicate affair over here.

Some time ago a member of parliament stated "I'm proud to be german". Newspapers headlines and politicians debated weeks if it was appropriate to say so. (Imagine someone posting: I'm proud to be american" and all flaming him for it and you get the idea).


So why should anyone have problems with watching "Private Ryan": You wacked the Nazi's asses and that's the best that could happen IMHO. Always remember that Nazis may mean germans, but germans doesn't mean Nazis.


*yawn* 02:38 over here! Gotta sleep:tomorrow will be a waking night due to the oscars :) !


Btw: They're using flatscreens at Giga, no laptops ;)

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Originally posted by Chanke4252

well it does look like they are on a laptop. Maybe they are using a touchpad instead, those are pretty hard to use IMHO.


Yeah they have LCD display (damn rich Germans) and CORDLESS KEYBOARD AND MOUSE (i have them so i know what they look like)

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When they were talking about RtCW and Quake 3 I got the impression they were talking about game engines, but I could be wrong.


And when they were talking when Luke was around, one bit caught my ears, "easy to learn, hard to master." I think that was in reference to him attempting to jump up on those crates lots. :)


Helps having an A-Level in German. Made all of those quite entertaining. :D

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