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32 vs 64 MEG

Guest Darth Evenios

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Guest Darth Evenios

I am going to get a new Geforce 2 card but dont know weather to just get the 32 meg one or the 64 meg.... the 32 is 20 bucks cheaper and i would love to get it if the price is right .. right now i have a 8 meg savage S4 card. I'm at tech and no job right now so any money I have has to count :-p so as far as performances and value would it just be almost as good to go with the geforce 2 32meg? just wondering. Thanks

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Guest Tie Guy

For only 20 bucks, i'd definately go for the 64. You will be able to tell the difference, and it will be much faster. Plus, it will meet minimum requirements for a much longer time.

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Originally posted by Delphi's Clone

hey bud since you want the cheapest prices go to



GeForce2 MX400 64MB i'd say you get the 64 meg one it really rocks ................



That's the one I've got in my pc, it does rock, I'd recommend it

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Originally posted by Delphi's Clone

i have a g-force 3 in mine but hehe it costed alot............. 249$ for he G-3 alone........


you would :p sure

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Originally posted by Delphi's Clone

ughhhh i do umm really lol why wouldnt i?



i build my comps myself.................... so its not that expensive i am 27 i can afford it.......


:D please don't ever leave these forum you really make me laugh DC you really do, whether what you post or not is true or not, and I have no reason to doubt you, the things you post really bring a smile to my face, thank you :D


please don't be offended, you really do make me laugh

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by Delphi's Clone

whats soo funny about my posts :confused: just wondering lol

Well for starters, most of your posts look like a big, fat, and hardly hidden lie... I mean no offense by saying that, it's just the impression I get, and I'm sure I'm not alone on this...


I wouldn't recommend a gf2 GTS or MX... You should get a Geforce 3 Ti200, or if you can't afford it, a Geforce 2 Ti200.

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They look like lie's *sniff sniff* :ball: :ball: :ball::ball::ball:



hey guys let me make this clear to you ok I know i lied once and yes i apolagized and i want to never lie to you guys again since your good people so really i'm not lieing anymore.........


please trust me on this please give me one more chance for your trust........

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