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Gameplay Looks Hack and Slash?


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After watching the latest German videos I still can't see much potential here for intense light saber duels like the ones we saw in the Star War films.


The game still looks essentially hack and slash to me. There's so many different types of attacks and special movements and they all happen pretty quickly.


1 vs 1 fights like Darth Maul vs Obi Wan? Thrust, parry, block etc.?


Regrettably, I don't think so. :(



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I am also concerned about this aspect of the game. From the footage I've viewed, it does look kind of JK-ish, but then again, we have not seen any experts play a duel unfortunately (to my knowledge anyway). Hope this will be proved wrong because I am looking forward to the movie like lightsaber stuff.

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I'm pretty sure light saber combat will look good. Just from seeing the players in the GIGA's video you see all the different moves and types of attacks.


Now, if you give the ability to use those attacks to some one who knows how to play, they're not just gonna hack and slash.



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Sounds like people are just getting picky. People are knit-picking this game before it even comes out. Enough already! Wait until the game comes out and then be condescending if you wish. I guess it just bugs me that people want so damn much from games now and if it doesn't meet their expectations it's deemed "****e".

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Originally posted by Hoth

After watching the latest German videos I still can't see much potential here for intense light saber duels like the ones we saw in the Star War films.


The game still looks essentially hack and slash to me. There's so many different types of attacks and special movements and they all happen pretty quickly.


1 vs 1 fights like Darth Maul vs Obi Wan? Thrust, parry, block etc.?


Regrettably, I don't think so. :(




Very simple. At its core it is. But there are tons of cool moves and animations. People just have a totally unrealistic expectation. You dont have total control over the saber. You click a button it will move in a certain way.


From the movies alone i know that the saber battle is better then in JK. Maybe the next Gen JK games will have a more fleshed out control system but for now, JK2 is as good as it gets. Live with it.

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Originally posted by Nickeleye

Sounds like people are just getting picky. People are knit-picking this game before it even comes out. Enough already! Wait until the game comes out and then be condescending if you wish. I guess it just bugs me that people want so damn much from games now and if it doesn't meet their expectations it's deemed "****e".


I agree. I hate it when people complain about a game before it is even out. You guys just need to be patient. And Like it was said, those guys didn't have the game to play with long so chill guys. wait for the game, then play, and then post your comments.

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

i am amazed no one has made a "inverse joystick" like a hole you ram your arm down for stuff like this...... that be a fun controaler methinks:D :D :D


Well technology and speed is getting close enough that it might become a reality...enhanced VR kinda thing...that would be cool...toss out the old keyboard and mouse for a pair of gloves and sunglasses heheh :D

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if my brain remembers right, wosent there a nintendo-nes1 "glove" that bombed?someone help me hear, when it was new i happend to be 3 so...............;):D


edit: the glasses are do-able now. i know i have seen them at the store a while back. with the new dx8 might see somthing like this again.(id buy; if it worked)

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I hardly think it's "picky" to want the main weapon of this game to fight the way it's meant to.


Basically the whole marketing and promotion of the game revolves around this one weapon and yet ironically it appears that weapon hasn't much skillful use attached to it. It's all wild and fast hacking and slashing.


How's it "picky" to want light saber fights based on pure duelling skill?


Hopefully I am wrong and there will be some kind of skill in using a saber beyond fast button presses and hack and slash.



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You are never going to see a game that will have exact sabre fighting like the movies.




Movie fight scenes are choreographed.


Unless you sit there and plan with a friend to have a duel and you plan all your moves out perfectly ahead of time, it's not possible.


Raven has done an excellent job with the sabre fighting system that I have seen, as good as can be done. When your playing online, it's still just a bunch of guys hacking away at each other and that's just the way it is.

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See, think of it like this, If yer playing the computer.. JK1, against Jerec... He takes like 30 hits, and its just boring fun up and smack him in the face with yer saber, unrealistic. Thats all we have really seen. In JK1 when you went on the internet, depending on who you played, it kinda looked like the saber fighting from NH, ESB and ROTJ.


But what we havent seen is a really good human JK2 plr saber battling a really good other human JK2 plr.. so you never know.


And if you look in the back ground after that German dude dies.. I think 2.1, Luke is bad ass spinning around and ****...


So dont freat, I think pretty much the way the saber fights will look will be based on the plrs playing!



Omega :sithm:

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welcome to the fourms razarblade! hear one welcome gift for you *forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM* have fun.


guys if you dont like how the saber works, witch last time i checked no one hear has used minus one or two guys, then DONT PLAY! no one is making you play this game AT ALL. remember the broomstik sabers in jk1? remember sbx mod(s) for it and how mutch better it was? methinks this is the same leap in quailaty and fun dont you? i myself will play it and be glad that its JEDI KNIGHT for cring out loud! game of the year at this point for me:) ;)

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Originally posted by OmegaRad

See, think of it like this, If yer playing the computer.. JK1, against Jerec... He takes like 30 hits, and its just boring fun up and smack him in the face with yer saber, unrealistic. Thats all we have really seen. In JK1 when you went on the internet, depending on who you played, it kinda looked like the saber fighting from NH, ESB and ROTJ.


But what we havent seen is a really good human JK2 plr saber battling a really good other human JK2 plr.. so you never know.


And if you look in the back ground after that German dude dies.. I think 2.1, Luke is bad ass spinning around and ****...


So dont freat, I think pretty much the way the saber fights will look will be based on the plrs playing!



Omega :sithm:


Exactly my thoughts. The tools are all there, so the fighting's only going to be as good as the people using them.


3 stances with 8 moves each, chaining attacks, guarding, force powers - looks a lot like a fighting game to me. It has the same basic components. So there will be the button mashers who simply hit the attacks randomly as fast as they can hoping to score hits, and then there will be the people who learn how to play skillfully. I don't think it'll be the same hit and run as JK.

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If you watch the e3 video, the guy plays one bot and they are fighting rather well... then two other bots join the battle... the fight looks quite intense and not at all like JK. The characters are blocking, and locking sabres.


Even on Giga5, the germanians got into a pretty heated (if you can call it that) battle that lasted for at least 45 seconds. that's about 4 times as long as one in jk would last.


I think it'll be great! the first time I play, I'm just going to have one bot in a battle, then see how long I can last without either one of us dying.


should be awesome

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To expect saber fights identical to the movies is being ignorant. How advanced do you think games are these days?


JK2 will have more saber-moves than JK1, yet essentially the saber combat will be very similar. Thats about it!!! I don't know where people have pulled these ideas that it should be exactly like the movies!! Games simply are not that advanced yet.


Until i'm standing in a Holodeck with a "real" saber in my hand i won't expect things like saber combat to advance much.

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic


Until i'm standing in a Holodeck with a "real" saber in my hand i won't expect things like saber combat to advance much.



And even then, it wont be like the movies, because, as said, the movie duels are pre-planned to the nanosecond... Still, this game is gonna rock... And im one of those JK players and what i see here is a great looking game :D

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