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*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* If ne1 has some questions - I'm one of the German Giga guys :)


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Hi everyone!

I already knew about this board for a couple of months and I have now decided to finally register - after I saw you drooling over our footage... :)

If you saw the gigax.avis you already know me... I'm the blonde guy with the glasses...


So if you have questions feel free to post them, and I will answer them to the best of my knowledge...

Please notice, that I only played a couple of hours and only a few levels.

especially the multiplayer mode ist very complex (you probably saw our suckage on screen ;)



A couple of facts to begin with:

(if they are considered spoilers...don't read on)


-just like RTCW, there are seperate launchers for SP and MP


-system reqs are quite moderate I think:

we played with 1024*768, 32bit color depth, 32-bit texture depth, trilinear, everything high and we got like 80-90 fps in Multiplayer on a P4 1,8 Ghz, Geforce 3, 256 MB

JK2 should run just like RTCW - Q3 Team Arena rocks!


-the cutscenes are a mixture of in-game engine graphics (mainly used while you're in a level), and prerendered videos (used to introduce new levels)


-the first level is an imperial outpost, Katarn and Ors go together and Katarn only has the bryar pistol at the beginning (he get's the sword back in level6 I think...)

secret areas are back in the game!


-11 multiplayer levels I think:

+pretty large death star level with throne room, Obi-Wan-pulling the-power-lever-room, main hangar and some nasty pits...

+stardestroyer level with bridge

+2 massassi temple levels

+Raven Imperial offices level (someone remember the SOF one? :)

+1 or 2 Nar Shaddaa levels

+Bespin streets level

+Bespin Darth "No, I am your father level" (but not the exact architecture as in ESB...mod-mappers still have a goal ;)

+Imperial garrison level

forgot about the others


-Raven did a cool job with the opacity of hands/weapons in first person: If you are using the sword, your arms don't have 100% opacity in some actions, you can slightly see through them so you still have control over where you're going...


-you can switch your saber off and still see the handle in your hands whilst running


-I like 1st person lightsaber mode very much...just so cool...

in SP you can choose between 1st and 3rd, in MP you're forced to play in 3rd person whilst using the saber. (but i guess a simple console tweaking would enable 1st person lightsaber in MP)


-the walking animations of the troopers and enemies, all the animations look very good and fluid. Sometimes you get the feeling that there really is someone in those plastic suits... hehe


-there are three different styles to swing your lightsaber. You don't know them at the beginning but have to learn them.

you can bind a button to switch between them.

one is Qui-Gon straight up and near the head style, the others are handle to the left, blade up to the right and the opposite


-I don't really know how they influence combat, but just to have the opportunity to mess around with how you hold the saber is too cool...


-If the saber is ignited you deal damage if the saber blade hits an enemy (ooops)


-If two multiplayer-characters stand next to each other and do nothing, they will start to fight (start attacks/blocks with the saber)


-lightsabers cast very neat lights on the walls, sometimes the light will fall off upwards or down, dunno if this is a feature or a bug ;) (as seen in the multiplayer video)


-you can cut through glas with the saber and if you jump from high up on a glas window it breaks (Action! Half-life style)


-to block lasers/energy bolts the only thing you have to do is do nothing with the saber.

To throw, just press alternate fire.

(you can loose your saber)


-the walljump is easy too, but only works if the height of a wall is right. you have to run towards the wall with pressing strafe left/right and forward at the same time and then jump when near the wall (hold down jump whilst wallwalking)


-in the US version there is a certain chance that if you stand in the right position whilst dying/killing that some limbs will fall off... but it doesn't happen very often.

the German version doesn't have that...but :)))))

anyone remember the "Elite Force" CD? nuff said... :)


--the game fits on 1CD...dunno about US, but the German CD is 700 MB (the US is probably smaller due to a fact I won't talk about hehe ;)


-force speed is neat in singleplayer: motion-blur for kyle and all the enemies are moving slower (est. 50%?)

in multiplayer this doesn't work (obviously), therefore you go faster, the others go normal



whilst using the scope you normally zoom in/out with mouse wheel up down.

browsing through weapons is done with mouse wheel too, a menu appears in the center of the screen when you do so

browsing through force powers is done with ZX default and there is a browsing menu for them too.


-nightvision looks somewhat yellow...not your normal green


-now on to some things we don't know about (the guy from Activision neither): you can duel with multiplayer opponents: just press the duel-key when an enemy is in your crosshair and you will invite him to a duel, if he/she accepts both players start to "glow" in the same color.

what dueling means I don't know...maybe more points if you kill someone in a real duel? I have to play again...too bad that I'm on vacation right now... :(


ok now I'm tired of typing...I'm going to bed now (after watching the Clone War Trailer for the 67. time... ;)


and sorry for my grammar errors and our stupid German humor...


any questions?

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Hey, thanks for the info. I didn't watch the new videos in fear of spoilers, but this was a nice summary.


The thing about inviting people into a duel is pretty interesting. Perhaps this was implemented so people with heavy weapons will respect two people in a saber duel now? Very interesting, indeed.

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Wow some nice information here :)


I see you on the giga clips and now I see your post...*gasp* TECHNOLOGY IS EVIL!!! *gasp* j/k :D


BTW, on clip giga4.avi, were you the one who said "The Circle is now complete! When I left you I was but a learner now I am the master!" "Komm Hier!" :lol:

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How does the 3rd person crosshair work? it looks very odd. [i mean with guns, not the saber]


Also, how does force jump work, and what can you do with it?


How fast do you get to go with speed, what kind of effect does it have on the game in combo with jump?


Could you see halos around people and items thru walls using seeing with the version of the game you played?


Was there anything you guys got to do with the game that didn't show up on tape? Any other neat features you saw off camera that we missed?


Was there a Battle Ground Jedi map in the game?



TY for droppin in man.



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Man i feel like im talking to a celebrity!

just one question, regarding force jump. does it work as in jedi knight where you would hold it down for a bit, let go and it would make you jump? or as soon as you hold it down you start jumping, and when you let go you reach the peak of your ascent?


oops i see this question has already been asked

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Wow, thanks for all the info. Strangely, after all the questions I had in my head I can't seem to think up of them now.


One thing tho, what's with the Thermal Detonator animations? Do they just popout of his hand, or do you actually see Kyle throw them. I thought it looked a bit dodgy in the 5th clip where when one of you guys threw one, it just popped out (then you fell off the cliff). Was this because of the video capturing, or is there no throwing animation for the TDs?


But you've gone to sleep now haven't you? So that means we won't get repies for another 10 hours of something...

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i know you said you wouldn't discuss this but it peaked my interest way too highly to go unasked, why is the U.S. CD probably smaller, are we going to miss out on some extras that you get? please discuss this with us, by the way, great review. thank you for taking the time to post all that, i was going crazy waiting for the game before and after seeing the new videos i just about went legaly insane! thanks again

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thanks for the info.

hope you like our fourms, we like you, bringer of info:D

your english is VERY good. only one typo, better then i can do, and it is my first language ;)


if you remember anymore info, please share for the rest of us.


oh yeah

*forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM*

[inside message] now noobs get 3 gifts ok guys?[/inside message]:D


enjoy your stay!


edit: in rtcw the grenades have a funky throing aniamation also.

not a good omen mesa thinken.

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Heh... this guy's English is better than most people who have it as a native language. Great job, GerM4N5010. Thanks for stopping in, and I hope you stick around.


I really like that Duel option; It locks two opponents in combat, warning all others to stay away while a score is settled...

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Originally posted by TressAIrway

i know you said you wouldn't discuss this but it peaked my interest way too highly to go unasked, why is the U.S. CD probably smaller, are we going to miss out on some extras that you get? please discuss this with us, by the way, great review. thank you for taking the time to post all that, i was going crazy waiting for the game before and after seeing the new videos i just about went legaly insane! thanks again


My guess is that Raven did the same thing with Elite Force, gave german voices/subtitles for the other countries but I'm guessing they left that part out for the US version.



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Originally posted by GerM4N5010

Hi everyone!

I already knew about this board for a couple of months and I have now decided to finally register - after I saw you drooling over our footage... :)

If you saw the gigax.avis you already know me... I'm the blonde guy with the glasses...


Same here! =P


-just like RTCW, there are seperate launchers for SP and MP


Seems like every Q3 based game now uses this kind of system.

Separate Exes.


-system reqs are quite moderate I think:

we played with 1024*768, 32bit color depth, 32-bit texture depth, trilinear, everything high and we got like 80-90 fps in Multiplayer on a P4 1,8 Ghz, Geforce 3, 256 MB

JK2 should run just like RTCW - Q3 Team Arena rocks!


It ran real smooth in those PCs. i guess with a little tweaking, i think it'll run on my wimpy P3-600 256 GF2GTS =P


-11 multiplayer levels I think:

+pretty large death star level with throne room, Obi-Wan-pulling the-power-lever-room, main hangar and some nasty pits...

+stardestroyer level with bridge

+2 massassi temple levels

+Raven Imperial offices level (someone remember the SOF one? :)

+1 or 2 Nar Shaddaa levels

+Bespin streets level

+Bespin Darth "No, I am your father level" (but not the exact architecture as in ESB...mod-mappers still have a goal ;)

+Imperial garrison level

forgot about the others




-Raven did a cool job with the opacity of hands/weapons in first person: If you are using the sword, your arms don't have 100% opacity in some actions, you can slightly see through them so you still have control over where you're going...


I wonder why the use of that? I don't really see how hands and arms block your view being on the lower part of the screen... ohh well... we'll see about that one ...


-you can switch your saber off and still see the handle in your hands whilst running


I really like that, real immersive. Gives more (if not just a bit =) control over the LS.


-the walking animations of the troopers and enemies, all the animations look very good and fluid. Sometimes you get the feeling that there really is someone in those plastic suits... hehe


I've downloaded the Q3 Stormtrooper model. It's really detailed and the animations are really well made! Kudos.


-there are three different styles to swing your lightsaber. You don't know them at the beginning but have to learn them.

you can bind a button to switch between them.

one is Qui-Gon straight up and near the head style, the others are handle to the left, blade up to the right and the opposite


Chang already explained those in this forum, I'm sure you'll find it on the first page (list) of topics. But basically, its "Fast/Light" "Medium" and "Hard/Heavy"

They're pretty much self-explanatory, but i suppose it's kind of like

Rock-Paper-Scissors game. One attack defends another and the other can go thru another. I guess, though. Or you guys might try that. =P


-I don't really know how they influence combat, but just to have the opportunity to mess around with how you hold the saber is too cool...


Ohhh they do, trust me! =P


-If the saber is ignited you deal damage if the saber blade hits an enemy (ooops)


Well, DUH! =P


-If two multiplayer-characters stand next to each other and do nothing, they will start to fight (start attacks/blocks with the saber)


Now THAT is new info. (for me anyway =)

I think they've 'ported' the "long pause, Kyle shaves with his LS" thingy to multi-player, BUT better! =P


-lightsabers cast very neat lights on the walls, sometimes the light will fall off upwards or down, dunno if this is a feature or a bug ;) (as seen in the multiplayer video)


That most probably texture based. It happens in games like Half-life where there's a flashlight. The texture is stretched so the illuminated part has to illuminate the whole texture. I guess ... =P


-you can cut through glas with the saber and if you jump from high up on a glas window it breaks (Action! Half-life style)


Yes, or The Opera. 'We' don't have high-rise maps. =P


-to block lasers/energy bolts the only thing you have to do is do nothing with the saber.


Actually, even if you are attacking, if ones laser hits the saber, it gets reflected. =P


To throw, just press alternate fire.

(you can loose your saber)


You guys really abused 'throwing' saber! =P


-the walljump is easy too, but only works if the height of a wall is right. you have to run towards the wall with pressing strafe left/right and forward at the same time and then jump when near the wall (hold down jump whilst wallwalking)


I could hear you guys talk "Hey its like The Opera" =P

(btw, i beta-test for the opera =)

Also, that place you guys were using to wallrun at the imperial hangar isn't really a good spot to try that. It has a ledge of some sorts that doesn't let you get much higher. =P


-in the US version there is a certain chance that if you stand in the right position whilst dying/killing that some limbs will fall off... but it doesn't happen very often.

the German version doesn't have that...but :)))))

anyone remember the "Elite Force" CD? nuff said... :)


It's RAVEN we're talking about here, dismemberment is THEIR job! =P

(can't wait for SOF2 either, wow RAVEN is on a ROLL =)


--the game fits on 1CD...dunno about US, but the German CD is 700 MB (the US is probably smaller due to a fact I won't talk about hehe ;)


Yay! 1 CD!


-force speed is neat in singleplayer: motion-blur for kyle and all the enemies are moving slower (est. 50%?)

in multiplayer this doesn't work (obviously), therefore you go faster, the others go normal


I bet people are screaming : BULLET TIME right now, ugh... ohh wait, it was you two... =P



-now on to some things we don't know about (the guy from Activision neither): you can duel with multiplayer opponents: just press the duel-key when an enemy is in your crosshair and you will invite him to a duel, if he/she accepts both players start to "glow" in the same color.

what dueling means I don't know...maybe more points if you kill someone in a real duel? I have to play again...too bad that I'm on vacation right now... :(


It's most probable that dueling people might not get hurt by 3rd party player. And there might be more Duels happening in a 16 player DM FFA map (8 duels at a time. WOOT =)



And last note. You guys really stink =P

Can't wait to buy it and play online!

How about a duel ? =P


PS: I don't know if you guys already know, but you gotta hold the key while CHOKING someone!


Auf wiedersehen lieber freund. Danke fuer diesen post. =P

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Can you get Eddie Wan Kenobi to post his thoughts on the game as well? Sure your cool, BUT EDDIE IS ALSO COOL >_<


Also could you please record yourself saying "The circle is now complete, when I left I was but the apprentice, now I am the Master" in a mixture of german and english? and then allow us to download it? Thanks !


Also feel free to .iso the game and send it to me, cheers!



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Now that's not really nice Hobo-wan[RXz].


I'm sorry my long reply has hurt your brain. =P


I prefer quoting so the original poster knows what I'm talking about at specific points. If there's a quote feature, it's there to be used. And i certainly didn't abuse it. =P

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HEY thats uncalled for, its the guys first post gdamnit! cut him some slack! if any body needs to "SHUT THE F-CK UP" its you, you moron!


to Kurashu: welcome to the fourms, please step around the aholes. hear, *forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM* more gifts comming i bet. i am sorry you had to listen to a doof for your first post. was a little long though..... try and work on that maybe. you did make a clear and honest post though.......:D have a good time hear, and dont forget to go see the swamp and its many polls.

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