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Raven fixed Q3 netcode?


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ps:the one know as loluz is a admited warezer of this game. if the thread had not been fryed i would put a link, but a bunch of peaple saw it we know.......



YOU PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM are the ones who took the thread off topic. I POSTED ABOUT THE GAME, and all i got were demands for proof that i actually bought it. These forums are great, but the people on it are ****ing idiots.


I'm not taking this any further, if you want to post about it go ahead but im not commenting on it again.

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Originally posted by loluz



YOU PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM are the ones who took the thread off topic. I POSTED ABOUT THE GAME, and all i got were demands for proof that i actually bought it. These forums are great, but the people on it are ****ing idiots.


I'm not taking this any further, if you want to post about it go ahead but im not commenting on it again.

heh ive been paid in full since december :D
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Originally posted by StormHammer

Okay, people, just calm down and save your batteries. If you don't start any bar-room brawls, I won't have to come in and break them up, now will I? ;)

look bud we left the droids at outside what more you want?
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Thanks Jorrus, I'm sure a lot of that will help.:)


AT&T was supposed to have Cable modem here by now, so I'm a bit disappointed I won't be able to play JK2 online perfectly.


However, last night I tried playing Star Trek Elite Force online thinking, "Oh, I'll try it, but I know it'll be crappy:)". To my amazement, I was playing in a game with 9 other players with a ping of 250! I tried it again this morning to see if I just got lucky last night or something, and sure enough I still had a ping of 250. Of course there is a tad bit o lag, but it's like 1/2 of a second delay, which isn't bad at all. In fact, it runs better for me than Jedi Knight online.


So I was pretty bummed about no Cable modem, but it looks like I'll be able to get in on JK2 online action after all :D. I also wouldn't doubt if Raven has made even more improvements to the netcode as well.

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heh dont kid yourself into thinking cable provides 'perfect' online play.


ive used both cable and sdsl. sdsl is ALOT more friendly with lower pings on average and less cable bs. cable bs meaning lots of packet loss cause by to many people on the cable network.

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Very, Very strange..... i played EF with 56k and the netcode sucked it's ass off. I hada ping form 200-230 and it wasp athetic, all that happened was you pressed it waited a wee while saw that your were in a different position and waited more and saw that you were on the ground dead. so it's jsut liek every 2 seconds you find yourslef looking and then you jsut find yourslef, super glitch-o-vision. very disapointed. (i played with 6)

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Well, not perfect, but a lot closer to it than a 56k :).


And Agen Terminator, I should have pointed out that I have a good 56k (if there is such a thing), meaning I always connect at 50000 kbps or more because I live very close to my server.


What you described happend to me once or twice, but wasn't a problem.

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actually i have a very good modem and isp too, i'm usually connected at about 53,000kbps with good downlaod speeds too. But this wasn't normal and it was jsut lagging bad yet i ahve good pings, also my server is a cross the road and left so i'm very very near it :), i usually have good pings in alot of games but EF left me worrying... alot

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Guest PissedJedi

As someone who used to live and die on his 56k modem I know all about how bad or good it can be. Truth is the 56k playability is determined by,... One stable is your modem driver. How good you're isp is.. And how far the server you are connecting to .


If the modem driver is good, the isp is great and you got a good server you can get nice pings.



I used to use Earthlink.net. With a winmodem with the latest firmware and with windows2k... I could play a game like Ut and get pings as low as 130-140.


On q3 I would get about 150-160.



Now I moved to florida and I use TimeWarner cable.

now I can get as low as 30 pings depending on the server. hehe.

Its crazy. Does jk2 have co-op? I would love to play it that way.


I was playing Serious Sam2 last night co-op And my god its amazingly fun.

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