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Official: Lightsaber combat thread *SPOILERS*

Silent Wolf

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I had put up a lot of info earlier about lightsaber combat, in the server changeover move it was lost however, if anyone has any questions im glad to answer them to the best of my ability. And just for the record, no its not hack and slash ;), that is the name of an 80's rock band :D

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I recall that ctf match you referred to, that was a very good, fun and close game. I started on the blue team, then switched to your team when it got to 0-3 for you, then switched back when it got up to 7-6 for you, but your team still won. I don't really care about winning or losing as long as it's a close, even, fair and fun game... :)


Now duel, on the other hand, hehe... I wouldn't mind taking you on in a duel match as you were obviously the best on your team... (btw, I was using neutral powers only, not light or dark like I thought I heard you say...?)


Good game!

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My best saber duels have actually been with people from these wonderfull forums :) . A particular highlight was the many saber encounters i had with ChangKhan[RAVEN]. He had captured the enemy flag and i watched in horror as he took down 3 of my teammates in a row almost effortlessly, i stood my ground on a bridge connecting our base to theirs as he ran towards me. We exchanged blows while using force speed which was crazy to say the least, i had low hp and he was trying to force grip me off the bridge. as a last effort i force pushed out of it and back flipped as he swung at me, i musta back flipped 5 times then just as he was coming in for the final blow i force pushed him off the ledge. At this point i said "muahahahaha j00r no jedi!!" at which he replied "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!". he died, i got the point, the flag was returned, and we scored :). He got me back pretty good though when he ambushed me and backstabbed me lol. Vengence is mine CK, vengence is mine :D

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heres a good duel I´ve had:


Other dude uses force healing and absorb..


Me I use force lightning and drain.



He hits me, I leech it back, then I hit him then he heals...


repeat that 54 times and the average duel of 10 minutes isnt so interesting. Thats how everone playes, AAa wounded, retreating... ok healed... lets go.. It´s lame.


Its to easy to fall back with all the acrobatics. u cant be hit if u are skilled in jumping n rolling.


On the other hand , duels can be quite fun if none uses heal powers.



Heres an odd thing that happend ... I swear its true, I was in a duel game( 2 ppl fight and the others wait and take on the winner) and this guy and I went into a saber lock.. I clicked like a mad man but I lost, I landed on my back and when I got up my arm was broken, I was just hanging with the saber and I couldn hit. I recovered my arm in3 minutes or so, so I just jumped around and it healed. But it was cool, my jedi really seemed trashed :)


It was on battleground Jedi. U cant use the freezing device on the .. freezing chamber duel map. I think u could do that in MOTS.

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hmm i thought u had grip...wonder who gripped me then lol. A challenge to a duel eh. Id love 2 :) I dont know if you use mirc, but im one of the Ops in #jediknight on gamesnet, im ALWAYS there unless im at work like i am right now ;), but ill be home around 5 cst today and im playing all tonight, just pm me and well have a go :) . If you dont use mirc, email me at skye31@hotmail.com, oh and for everyone reading this, chang khan is a god at this game lol. I could always tell when he was coming in our base because i heard the screams of my teamates dying lol.



Side thought:


That ctf was fun as heck, i havent had a game that intense ctf wise since tribes 1 :p

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When I play these sort of multiplayer games where you can customize your build I always find myslef feeling inadaquate, always wondering what the other guy is using that might be better. What do you guys find to be the best setup from your current experiance, what lightsabre stance is good for what situation and what are the limitations on the deadly force push and choke?

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I use heal a lot, but only after ive finished someone off, if people run from my fights i track em down, im kinda relentless like that. So i havent had a lot of duels been heal fest, besides, with my setup for force drain, i drain them b4 they can use there heal ;) .


I have 2 custom setups that i created that really do the trick. The key is to not have so many offesive powers.


Light setup:


Its basically a moddified "knight" config.


Level 3 force jump

Level 3 force push

Level 3 force heal


Level 2 saber deffense offense and Level 3 Saber throw

(this config is best for light i feel, because u can keep your enemy from out forcing you, or cheaping u out with lighting yada yada, its esspically good if u are using saber only.)



Dark setup:


I call this my "Reborn" setup.


Level 3 Force grip

Level 3 force push

Level 3 force drain

(occasionaly ill add level 1 ligthing but i dont like it ;) )


Level 2 saber offense, and defense, level 3 saber throw.


(this is a offensive based force config. It keeps the enemy from using the force much, and keeps you from using your force as a finishing touch ;)


Read chang khans lightsaber thread for insight on the lightsaber stances and which is best for what, i base all of my movements lightsaber wise on that ;)

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Id rather not post anything about the single player game as it needs to be experienced to be belived, the reborn combat is astounding ;) .


A buddy of mine came onto my server while i was taking on 15 bots by myself in team ffa. We ended up back to back fighting off these hordes of lightsaber only no force bots. It was insansely cool. I think we eached died maybe twice in those 2 hours, and the bots were on jedi master mode.


In that match i watched my buddy do a wall walk and flip into a crowd of 5 or so reborn and take down all of them within 10 seconds. At the same time i was on a cat walk in a saber lock, the reborn won the lock and i fell back to the ground, just as my buddy jumped on the cat walk and sliced him in the midsection. Amazing stuff this game is, the stuff of legend :)


Chang Khans thread link (id read every post ;) ):



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I'm a noob to these forums, and have been lurking in the shadows, reading everything I could and preparing myself for the release.


After reading this thread, I just had to participate. :D


Silent Wolf's post has got me so jazzed about this game, its not even funny. I used to play JK back in the day and was a decent MP duelist. Despite whatever shortcomings I had, I had more fun that should have been allowed.


Its been years since I've played the original, and I'm sure there's quite a learning curve to be experienced. But if any of you would like to get together for some MP fun, to test different moves or strategies, force powers, or whatever, please feel free to let me know.


I can't wait for the phone to ring and Software ETC to tell me to pick up my game. I'm counting the seconds! :D

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Silent Wolf/ChangKhan, how about some examples of the saber fights themselves? What kind of different moves are there, and how can they be used in a duel? I realize there are a lot of different swings, but I haven't yet heard exactly how they all fit into the game.

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Thanks for the stories and info Wolf.. I have this sneaky suspision that this is gonna be a pretty hard game for me.. I never played any of the first Star Wars games.. I have been gaming for a short time now and I think this game will have alot of keys to push on the board. For a 2 finger typer that has to look down, I'm gonna be is some trouble.. :D It don't matter though, I only play for fun and I really don't care if I'm good or not..







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