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JK2 License and DL legality


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First off, I condem software pirating and stealing something you haven't paid for.


DISCLAIMER: I'm not a lawyer and I could be horribly wrong lol. In other words, don't do warez.


With this said, dling JK2 might technically be legal if you've pre-paid (not just pre ordered but actually paid).


You see, when you buy a game, the only physical thing that you really own is the plastic of the $0.50 disk the software is burned into. The rest of your money goes to buying the software license, and it's the license that the devs make thier money on.


You can have the software on one computer per license you own. You have the license as long as you can prove that you paid for the game, say with an origional CD, or maybe even recipt. To my knowleadge you're usually allowed to make one backup copy of the software media (the disk) as long as you have a valid license (license = you paid for the game). The way I understand it, it does't matter where you get the software as long as you have paid and have a valid license.


There are other details but I *think* that this would make it technically legal but I could be wrong so DONT DOWNLOAD IT hehe.


Me? Welp, I'm waiting for the game to come out in a couple days but I don't look down on the people who have dled it as long as they have prepaid. As long as they've paid then the dev team gets the money they deserve and they're not really stealing.

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I never have downloaded warez, however, if one of you guys downloaded it now and had already paid for your copy and were getting it the day of release, I really do not care if you download it and try it out.


However, people who download stuff and never pay for it, piss me off.

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Originally posted by Generique Fin

I never have downloaded warez, however, if one of you guys downloaded it now and had already paid for your copy and were getting it the day of release, I really do not care if you download it and try it out.


However, people who download stuff and never pay for it, piss me off.


I think that the lack of a demo led people that have pre-ordered the game to download the warez version from the net to try it out or to ease their pain of waiting till their original copy arrived.


I could've done that... but I resisted the temptation :)

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Back in the day, before we started replacing normal english with strange letters like x's and z's, they were referred to simply as "wares". As in "Pie man, Pie man, let me see your wares." But as the z crept into the "l337 hax0r" language(it actually used to be elite hacker, before elite took on the meaning that you think you are better than everyone else and decide to be extremely vocal about it whether you are or not.) it got metamorphosed into "warez."

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I agree that if you have paid for the software I don't see an issue, however by downloading it you are inadvertently (sp) supporting warez. This is not good because it in turn also supports the people who download it and don't pay for it and this is not good for the industry or the devolpers or US. So to all those weak minded folls who cannot resist the dark side and have turned to the evil Warez. BEWARE your soul and spirit will be judged. I have resisted the urge to even look for the Warez version and I know i will get the game in the next few days anyway so buy the weekend i'll be playing my game with a clear conscience and will be calm and at peace to fully enable my light side powers.

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not that I would do it ( and only because i dont have patience for long dls) but I personally dont see anything wrong with Downloading full versions of games that you have Pre Paid For (pre order dont count) If you paid already you have a license for the game on your computer so I think if you DL and play and un-install it when you get your copy and Re-install it with the CD thats technically not stealing, you legally have rights to it. Too bad no lawyers can say legally if it is right.

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It could go two ways.


Torment, you're right(I think). I think it would hold up in court, that is dl the warez and own(100% will purchase) the real deal. I don't know for sure, but if the law relating to games is the same as music CDs and tapes, you are allowed to have a backup copy.


But, since the original warez versions were obtained in an illegal fashion to begin with(I'm guessing) then you're probably out of luck. How do warez get out anyway?




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Generally the groups that release the games, buy a copy and get rid of any protection it has on and then rlease it to some people, who then release it to more and so on.

Not sure how Fairlight got hold of JK2, but I think it's pretty damn stupid that it had no protection on the CD, let alone no cd-key protection. I think quite alot of people who buy/download warez versions will buy the original if they like it enough, especially if it's something like Tribes 2 or Half-Life, where it's impossible to bypass the online cd-key authorization. I think if LucasArts had put online cd-key protection in and released a demo then they'd have got alot more customers. However, I think the warez version will mean a hell of alot more player online

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