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system specs?!?


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Well my computer is a:

Apple G4 PowerMac


768MB Ram

10Gb HD and a 40Gb HD

ATI Rage 128 Pro

19" Sony Trinitron

However, this is my personal computer which is set up for my use of Lightwave 3d, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, and the like (hence the enormous amount of RAM). If you're a graphics/video professional and you aint got Mac OS or Win NT, you don't have ****. It doesn't matter how many Mhz you have (overrated anyways).


To play JK2 though, i will be "borrowing" another computer which is ample enough to run the game but not spectacular.


BTW, don't post all this crap about how Mac can't play games and crap like that cuz I don't care. In fact most of you mac-haters haven't used one since they were black and white... 99% of the games I play are on consoles, this will be the first game for PC i've bought since the original JK.

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Yes I do believe this thread is a pissing contest but what the hell. I might as well have my specs on the board so if I need help from people on this board I can point to this thread and say there they are.


Also why would we bash the Mac. Macs play games just fine. People believe macs don't play games very well becuase up until recently hardly any games released for it.(all Apples fault for telling game companyies go away in the 80s) Besides I still think they are great for graphic work. Oh well looks like I am begining to rant. Hey maybe I will get out my old powermac 4400 and play some Dark Forces. :) (didn't own a pc till jk)

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Yes Misa, I know Macs play games just fine, but few games come out for the Mac. Anyways, I believe the majority of the PC gaming community is probably not open to the advantages of a Mac because they use PCs largely just to play video games. If that's mainly what I needed a computer for, I'd use a PC too. But since I'm a graphics and video professional, Mac is what suits me best. It's all about which computer serves your needs better.

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There really isn't any true way to compare a mac vs. a non-mac because they process differently, there just happens to be more software written for windows based systems. I work on both types of systems and I like both of them for different reasons. Windows based systems have more software written for it (games) and there are more hardware configurations. Macs do things like graphics and multi-task really well.


Can't we all just get along:jawa

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Currently I have:


Athlon T-bird 1.4Ghz

256 RAM

Geforce 3 (original)



Its a Gateway :( I dislike it because all the gateways that I've had weren't incredibly stable and this isn't any different. But before I go off to college in 5 months I will be building my own computer which will be uber ;)

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Abit BX6 R1 mobo

PII 333Mhz

320 MB ram

6.4GB HD

SB Awe64

32X CdRom

4/12/16 CD-RW

Elsa Erazor III 32MB Video

56K Diamond Supra Max Modem



I know, Iknow, I don't even meet min. specs. But I am receiving a Powerleap.com upgrade to 1.2Ghz TualatinCeleron CPU!


I don't play much MP stuff so I'm not too worried about my 56K.


This game has inspired me too upgrade.

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Athlon XP 1700

512 pc2100 Mushkin DDR

60g Maxtor HD

SB Audigy



I'm sure I'll get some slow down with everything maxed at times, but what the hell. My 3dmark2001se is 7300ish. Anyone else playing the game already w/ a comparable score? How is it?

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