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Linux Server howto


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Is there a way for the server to get the pk3 files off of the cd, instead of having to copy them all into the base folder, I dont have enuf hd space on the box :( Gunna have to take the thing apart and put a new drive in next week I guess....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would my 450Mhz K6 III w/ 256MB PC-100 RAM be enuf to host a game ~8 people max w/ Linux? I installed win2k on the thing bc I was in a hurry(and wasn't at my house) when I built it, but it seems to be semi laggy(1 bot and 1 LAN connection and the LAN player starts getting real choppy) I'm trying to setup a nice FFA server on this box, would linux give me much better performance than win2k pro? btw.... I have no problem running linux, I have a linux box and am semi familiar w/ it.

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To answer the one above, my experience so far is that linux can handle more than W2k, I run a cs-server on a PII 250 with 256 mb ram. 18 players, and it works like a charm. Try that with W2k :p


My cfg looks like this:

// Server Config

set sv_hostname "[bOFH] Et Dukkehjem"


rconpassword "password"

set sv_allowDownload 1

set sv_maxclients 3

set g_inactivity 0

set sv_maxRate 10000

set g_allowvote 0

set timelimit 4

set capturelimit 20

set g_autoMapCycle 1

set g_gametype 3

set g_duelWeaponDisable 65531

set g_forcepowerDisable 32741

set g_weaponDisable 65531

set g_maxForceRank 6

set g_saberLocking 1

set g_friendlySaber 1

set g_autoMapCycle 1

set duel_fraglimit 10

set fraglimit 1

map duel_pit


(If any of my settings are incorrect or need explanation please let me know:)


And it works like a charm. What I would like to know is:

- how to make it run a custom mapcycle


- how to turn on logging


- what is up with the "motd" (for some reason the message never appears on the server),


- how to make the server appear as a "limited force" server when people connect. (I am running neutral force only, but it says no force to clients connecting)


- Anyone have reccommendations to a nice "adminmod-like" tool?


- Am I gonna need any kind of anticheat software?


And finally I have a suggesion:


Somebody should organize all the info in this thread, get rid of any incorrect information, and make a detailed faq. Including how to do chmod chgrp chown getting correct filestructure and so on.

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Sorry about this post being so large. Hope you can get through it:)


As you can se below, when I type serverinfo, with the server running on the .cfg above, everything doesnt seem correct. For one it claism sv_allowDownload is set to 0


Another problem is that although the server has no problem starting with the map duel_pit as I have set in the server.cfg, it claims when I try a "map duel_pit" that it cant find /maps/duel_pit

I take it it then wants duel_pit to be put into a maps folder, but none of the maps I have installed have any problem, and they are all pk3 files located in my base folder, as are the assets0 through 3 .pk3 files.

Now I could of course create a map dir in my base dir and put all the files in there, but since the server is happy with all the other maps just in the base dir, it doesnt seem likely to correct the problem. Besides, the standard maps are all stuffet into to those huge assets files, and I dont want extra copies of those all over the place.


And one other thing. The server claims that it is exec'ing mpdefault.cfg and jk2mpserver.cfg (It also bitches about an autoexec.cfg, but I read that I could ignore that problem somewhere else in this thread) The two cfg files I have mentioned above are not located anywhere in my linux file-structure, unless they are a part of the "assets-files". So is it supposed to exec those?


Hitch warning: 5237 msec frame time


Server info settings:

g_blueteam Rebellion

g_redteam Empire

g_weaponDisable 65531

g_forcePowerDisable 32741

g_forceRegenTime 200

g_maxGameClients 0

capturelimit 20

sv_floodProtect 1

sv_maxPing 0

sv_minPing 0

sv_maxRate 10000

sv_maxclients 3

sv_hostname [bOFH] Et Dukkehjem

g_duelWeaponDisable 65531

g_forceBasedTeams 0

duel_fraglimit 10

g_maxForceRank 6

g_saberLocking 1

g_privateDuel 1

timelimit 4

fraglimit 1

dmflags 0

version JK2MP: v1.03a linux-i386 May 15 2002

g_maxHolocronCarry 3

g_gametype 3

g_needpass 0

protocol 15

mapname duel_pit

sv_privateClients 0

sv_allowAnonymous 0

sv_allowDownload 0

bot_minplayers 0

gamename basejk

g_jediVmerc 0

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have no clue on the above post, sorry, I'm having some of the same problems w/ the 1.04 linux dedicated server(which I just installed redhat 7.3 on, and it flys). Just trying to keep this thread semi alive, cmon guys wake up!


another problem I'm having.... I use jedirunner to create my cfgs, and then import them into my jk2 linux server, and I can't get Pure Server to be turned off, its set to 0 in the cfg, the linux server is just really touchy, I guess I'm gunna have to make my cfg by hand(just like everything else w/ linux lol)

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Well, I haven't replied for a couple of reasons. First off, I was on vacation for a few weeks. Second, I've always asked that admins post their questions in a new thread, rather than tacking on to this one. That way, if someone else has the same question, or the answer, they are more likely to see the post.


DSpawn: I'd want to see your command line and perhaps your startup spam to get a better idea what the problem was. I'd recommend you use seta instead of set for everything except map rotation items--that includes putting seta in front of rconpassword.


Revan Bakr': The server.cfg file belongs in the base directory, along with the pk3 files. When you ask, "how do I include the coding inside?" what do you mean? If you mean, how do I get the server to use the config, you put +exec server.cfg at the end of your command line/shortcut. If you mean, what types of things should/can you put in the config, that's a bit more lengthly answer and I'd want to make sure that was the case before I went on and on about it.

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  • 3 months later...

when i run


./jk2ded +exec server.cfg +map ffa_bespin


the following happens


JK2MP: v1.04 linux-i386 Jul 1 2002

Initialising zone memory .....

----- FS_Startup -----

Current search path:

/usr/local/games/jk2/base/assets2.pk3 (289 files)

/usr/local/games/jk2/base/assets1.pk3 (8011 files)

/usr/local/games/jk2/base/assets0.pk3 (6674 files)





14974 files in pk3 files

execing mpdefault.cfg

couldn't exec jk2mpserver.cfg

couldn't exec autoexec.cfg

Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok

Illegal instruction


and then it kicks me back to the prompt.. i am setting up the server for the first time.. I can't find any documentation anywhere in regards to the "Illegal instruction" error.. has anyone seen this before?


I am running Mandrake Linux release 9.0 on a PII 200.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

G'Day Guys,


I have been trying to get the jkii dedicated server working now on and off for the last couple of weeks and have resorted to these foums for some help.


Basically with an out of the box install I am getting the following errors after running './jk2ded +exec server.cfg' or even if i just do './jk2ded' and as soon as I select a map to load.


Any help would be much appreciated. The pk3 files were sourced from a client running the 1.04 Patch.


Current search path:


/usr/games/jk2/base/assets5.pk3 (4 files)

/usr/games/jk2/base/assets2.pk3 (289 files)

/usr/games/jk2/base/assets1.pk3 (8011 files)

/usr/games/jk2/base/assets0.pk3 (6674 files)





29956 files in pk3 files

Loading dll file jk2mpgame.


Sys_LoadDll(/usr/games/jk2/base/jk2mpgamei386.so) failed: "/usr/games/jk2/base/jk2mpgamei386.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

Sys_LoadDll(./jk2ded/base/jk2mpgamei386.so) failed: "./jk2ded/base/jk2mpgamei386.so: cannot open shared object file: Not a directory"

----- Server Shutdown -----

Resolving master3.idsoftware.com

master3.idsoftware.com resolved to

Sending heartbeat to master3.idsoftware.com

Resolving master0.gamespy.com

master0.gamespy.com resolved to

Sending heartbeat to master0.gamespy.com

Resolving clanservers.net

clanservers.net resolved to

Sending heartbeat to clanservers.net

Resolving q3master.barrysworld.com

Couldn't resolve address: q3master.barrysworld.com

Sending heartbeat to master3.idsoftware.com

Sending heartbeat to master0.gamespy.com

Sending heartbeat to clanservers.net


Sys_Error: Sys_LoadDll(jk2mpgame) failed dlopen() completely!

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  • 2 months later...

My jk2ded is having problems finding the pk3 files. I put them all into my base folder, but the jk2ded binary can't seem to locate them. I assume this is because my pk3s are in a different format that linux can't understand or something? How do I copy these files properly from the CD? Or how do I go about converting the pk3s. Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...


I have a problem, the server load up great and it run as background but somehow i couldnt connect to it through the internet, my server is running on Freebsd4.8 here is mine cfg file can someone help me out? thanks Secondly, i have many IPs on this server, how can i bind it to one IP


// Server Config

set sv_hostname "wildabar"

set g_motd "test"

rconpassword "password"

set sv_allowDownload 1

set sv_maxclients 3

set g_inactivity 0

set sv_maxRate 10000

set g_allowvote 0

set timelimit 4

set capturelimit 20

set g_autoMapCycle 1

set g_gametype 3

set g_duelWeaponDisable 65531

set g_forcepowerDisable 32741

set g_weaponDisable 65531

set g_maxForceRank 6

set g_saberLocking 1

set g_friendlySaber 1

set g_autoMapCycle 1

set duel_fraglimit 10

set fraglimit 1

map duel_pit

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  • 1 month later...

My friend to me have linux and he wants to run a Dedicated jk2 server from it with the mod Jedi academy mod 1.2.I wonder if anyone can tell me step by step how to do.With the commands and the cfg things :S

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  • 1 month later...

I have been trying to set up a dedicated server on Linux now for a few days. Everything runs fine and I can connect to my server through my LAN. The only problem is the server does not get listed on the master list. I always get an error message that says something to the effect of "Couldn't resolve masterjk2.ravensoft.com". I have read through a few other posts on this topic but haven't found any good solutions. Anybody have any help for me?


Also I forgot to mention that my server is running behind a Gateway running Windows XP with ICS.

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by leowulf


I have a problem, the server load up great and it run as background but somehow i couldnt connect to it through the internet, my server is running on Freebsd4.8 here is mine cfg file can someone help me out? thanks Secondly, i have many IPs on this server, how can i bind it to one IP


// Server Config

set sv_hostname "wildabar"

set g_motd "test"

rconpassword "password"

set sv_allowDownload 1

set sv_maxclients 3

set g_inactivity 0

set sv_maxRate 10000

set g_allowvote 0

set timelimit 4

set capturelimit 20

set g_autoMapCycle 1

set g_gametype 3

set g_duelWeaponDisable 65531

set g_forcepowerDisable 32741

set g_weaponDisable 65531

set g_maxForceRank 6

set g_saberLocking 1

set g_friendlySaber 1

set g_autoMapCycle 1

set duel_fraglimit 10

set fraglimit 1

map duel_pit


How did you get the Linux Dedicated Server working with 4.8?


Jedi Academy just hangs for me.


What does your startup command look like?


Mine just hangs everytime I start the program.


Please see this thread:




Thank you. :)

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