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All the Hype put aside...


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Ok, I admit, after all my flaming of the demo (which sucked), I liked what I heard about the changes made to SWGB enough to actually go out and buy the game. Before everyone starts yelling "TOLD YOU IT WOULD ROCK! YOUR DUMB FOR LIKING SWTA OVER SWGB," let me say the real reason I bought the game was not because I was expecting the greatest game of all time, like many of the people here seem to be claiming GB is. Rather, I bought it to see if I could use any of the material for SWTA (seriously), and for what I hoped would be an enjoyable gaming experience.


Well, to make a long story short, I actually like the game. It isn't spectacular, it doesn't make any advances in the RTS genre, it could be much better...but it's fun. I'll never like the hovering aircraft, or that units can't fire while moving, or the cartoony look of the game. But (can you notice a theme here? ;)), it's fun.


I do have some serious complaints, though, that I hope LA fixes relatively soon:

  1. There needs to be a way to abandon formations. It's very frustrating to watch my units dance around trying to re-make their formation EVERY time I tell them to move, rather than just moving. Formations are great in most circumstances, but there are times that you just want to break down and CHARGE! Or, alternatively, REATREAT! All without your units deciding to get fancy and run away in style ;).
  2. Pathfinding is very iffy. There's been a number of times (only played the first four missions of OOT-9's campaign) that pathfinding just seems to break down for individual units. Example: I had a hovercraft line trading with an ally's spaceport nearby. About 10 hovers repeatedly went back and force to the 'port along the same route, but for some reason every now and then a hover would decide to go some other direction, right through the enemy's base. Seeing how the path to the Spaceport was already well established, I can't see why this should happen.
  3. Pummels really piss me off. I tell them to attack, and 50% of the time they pull up a tile in front of their target and just sit there. They don't attack, or even attempt to get closer. They just sit there and get pounded. No excuses for this one...no other units around, just a pummel. It's very frustrating :(.
  4. On a similar note, Pummels seem to get stuck randomly while moving. They just stop, even when their destination is a good three miles away.
  5. Naboo fighters seemed more formidable than bombers, for some reason. I don't care about stats, they don't matter compared to real-game actualities...and the truth is, I was more scared of Naboo fighters than bombers when I ran into them in the field. The bombers just didn't do all that much damage, where two shots from a fighter would take out a trooper of mine. :confused: Yeah, bombers are more anti-structure, but if I were a trooper, I'd be very afraid of big glowing bombs being dropped from above.

Just thought I'd share my thoughts on the game.


P.S.: isn't it ironic, that the person who hated the demo got the full game before a good portion of those who loved it? :D

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Influenza

Pummels really piss me off. I tell them to attack, and 50% of the time they pull up a tile in front of their target and just sit there. They don't attack, or even attempt to get closer. They just sit there and get pounded. No excuses for this one...no other units around, just a pummel. It's very frustrating :(.


I have experienced the same problem, it is rather annoying. Other than that though, i haven't noticed any other bugs, which is nice.


And your right, it isn't the most inovative game, but it is incredible fun, and one of the best i've played in a while.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

There are a lot of things like that. Never had the pummel thing, but now you can use blaster cannons, but they weren't all I thought they would. I thought they would shoot a directional blast, taking out anything in their path. For doing power cores, use bombers. For attacking troops, you use fighters.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by WC_heavyarms

I thought they would shoot a directional blast, taking out anything in their path.


If they did that, then they would hit your own troops, and that wouldn't be good.

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Guest Wanderer_Man

Adv. Bombers +enlarged bomb holds=good damage on slow moving mech armies.


Fighters do very well against trooper units, but its the bombers who tear up the buildings and the slower moving units.

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Actually, Clefo, those are some pretty big errors from a gameplay-view. It's very frustrating to see your pummels get stuck, not attack, turn around in circles forever, etc etc. Not to mention the issues with units decided to rejoin a formation instead of just moving. These things really can decide whether or not some of your units survive or die in many circumstances, all completely out of your control. I'm sure many an attack will be thwarted because the attacker's units decided to go berserk and not follow orders the way they were intended.


Also, I really don't understand why units can shoot through walls and buildings...

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RE - NOt understanding why units can shoot though buildings and walls..........that is a good point influenza, I think that should be restricted to air units and units like heavy artillery which launchs its shots......it does kinda restrict the tactical side of battles.

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Guest DinoDoc

Is your site down, Influenza? I can't access SWTA anymore. :(


BTW, Thanks for the review. If even you think that its fun, it must be a good game and I'll pick it up later. :cool:

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Sorry about the advertising...I turned off people's signatures and avatars (got sick of seeing the 10-line sigs following 1-line posts), and didn't realize it still said that:eek:. And yeah, SWTA's host has been down for a while now...something about a check from their provider being lost...but I hope it'll be up soon.


As for walls: all units can fire over them. I understand why crossbowmen could in AoK, but 6-foot battle droids with lasers shouldn't be able to...:(

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