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I see the young have much to learn. NEVER Pre-Order I have done it twice and on both occasions the game arrived late. It was horrible the game was out in the shops but I could not get it because I had pre ordered it. I'm just glad I can walk into a shop tomorrow morning as soon as the shop opens and physcialy grab a copy.


I will pray for the safe journey of your game.

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Err... I just called EB. Apparently there was something wrong with my order processing, and it needed to be re-sent. They say it takes 24 hours or some **** like that to re-verify, so if you get the "On Hold" message, I would suggest giving them a call.


I'll be taking tomorrow off to head out to my local mall to see if the game is there. If it is... yay me. If not, grr. I can't believe this happened. I've used this same credit card and account info before, and never had a problem with their service with previous orders.

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Hopefully this will help. I got this from an EB support person...


On hold:

We are currently waiting for the verification department to verify your information. This usually takes 24 hours from the time you placed the order. Make sure to check your email inbox and email bulk folder in case we have tried to contact you.



We are in the process of verifying all your information: address, Credit Card info is valid, and that the shipping address is in fact an address that you would like it to go to. Sometimes this means our warehouse has already begun shipping.



Your information all checked out, your account is ok, and we are we are waiting for the product to get into the warehouse. If the item is in stock, then we may just be waiting to begin shipping, which can take up to 24 hours from the time your order was placed.



Product has been shipped out and is on route to your home. If you purchased online, you can view your order status at:



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Whats confusing is that mine said "waiting for product" up until yesterday. Thats self-explanitory. Then it switched to "open." By their definition, I was all checked out, and all they needed was the product to be shipped to me.


But then it went to "On Hold." So according to that, I back tracked two steps. Blech.

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Mine was saying "On Hold" since about yesterday afternoon. Been checking it for a while and it just changed to "Processing". Hopefully it'll change to "Shipping" soon :)


Can't wait for this game! I've been playing JK1 and MotS for the passed 3 days :)

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ya mine says processing too


and you who said preordering is bad, your wrong


When I preorder online from ebgames.com, i get my game before the stores even open in the morning, it happened 9 times and tomorrow it shall be the 10th time


Sure you MIGHT get it before as you usually have. However there is no gaurantee. This post (and many just like it) has been created because people are concerned about their game not arriving on time. The piece of mind of knowing you can just walk into the store and buy at your own leisure is a great thing IMO.

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24 hours before they send the item?? This is seriously messed up (to use a more polite way of saying it), I preordered on the 15th, all my credit card info was correct, and I ordered next day. But I'll be getting it on Friday or Monday instead?? It should be Thursday...


!#@$ing EB.

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They put the 24 hours thing in there because they dont constantly ship out packages. You may place your order right after the delivery truck comes to pickup their stuff. Then they wouldnt be able to ship it till the next day. Since you pre-ordered it should ship today. Like I said, give it till about 11pm-12am est, then you will know if it shipped. If not...give'em hell. I know it would piss me off.

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I'm guessing friday since its processing now and I got 2 day. I uually get mine real early too before I wake up and then my mom grabs it and holds onto it till she can bribe me. But I will be sleeping all through thursday so that won't happen this time. UNless they don ship cause its good friday.

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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by The Wibble

I see the young have much to learn. NEVER Pre-Order I have done it twice and on both occasions the game arrived late. It was horrible the game was out in the shops but I could not get it because I had pre ordered it. I'm just glad I can walk into a shop tomorrow morning as soon as the shop opens and physcialy grab a copy.


I will pray for the safe journey of your game.


Actually, I've never had a bad preorder experience. I've always gotten it a day or two before it hits stores.

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