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Im a long time agmer and JK fan but this is my first post here. I cant wait for this game aylonger. Anybody in the US actually see it or get it in store yet? I have mine reserved at the local EB. They expect it later or tommorrow.....tick tick tick....

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Welcome Jedimarcx.

Nobady in the US has the game except for the warez wankers. I forgot to make mine 1 day shipping so now i dont think i get mine till the 29th *CRYS* dunno though maybe it will get her tomarow if im lucky.



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I know how you feel, man. The way things are looking to turn out, I'll have to leave on a four day trip 2 hours after I get JO. :(




BTW, welcome to the forums :)


*hands Jedimarcx an official Lucasforums welcome basket*



Made by the Elves, ya know! ;)

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