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Raven is screwing us


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Mods, why is this piece of sh!t still here. Loluz stop b!tching about the game. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT PLAY THE GAME.



I can't beleive this thread is still here... if you guys want to shut this guy up stop posting here.


And i cant beleive the trash that has joined the forums the last few days... its sick:( .

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I saw no attack(sp?) but i did see a question, witch DID repeat DID NOT deserve a responce of that calaper(sp?).......


ever heard of the phrase"guns dont kill peaple, stupid peaple with guns kill peaple"? i got one for you"mods dont ban peaple, stupid assholes who dont know when to shut the hell up couse mods to ban peaple":rolleyes:

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I guess ill have to sick jedi christ and darth jesus on your ass homofag.





You've been able to argue decently up until this point don't start to degrade now; you might be banned and then time will draw on like a serated blade.


no vulgarities, useless arguments allowed only.

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thanks for your input rogue_ace

apparently these forums are only for raven groupies

anybody who is badmouthing a game on these forums is to be immediately removed, his thread deleted, and his account banned!



i really do love this game, i just think that raven could have put a little more effort into informing us such as the fact that you also have look in secret areas for ways out of a level

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I've been in FPS games since good ol Wolf 3D (and that was before i even had a comp.. had to leech at a friends house) and as far back as then, even before then in those older games for Apple 2E and Atari there has always been mind numbing puzzles meant to extend play time

i spent HOURS literally HOURS searching for a key in Wolf3D just to find i've already cleared the level, but wait.. WHOA whered that door come from?!

this rant is rather lame

I'm new to Raven's work in truth, but i got hooked with Heretic 2 and EF really topped it off

if this game was another Lucas arts made P.O.S i would never have ordered it, but i trust raven to have some nice gameplay mixed with the best blasted gfx out there to date, if not more.

only puzzles i hate are Jumping puzzles :p

no matter the case, welcome to the wondergul world of FPS games, just remember to stay away from anything except Unreal Tournament, Quake 3, and Tribes

there the only FPS's i know that don't have puzzles in them, but then agian, they don't have single player either.. well not true single player.

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Whatever the case about the puzzles, the point is that Loluz doesn't like the single player aspect. That is fine. Loluz, I'm glad that you have taken time to critique the game's sp. You are truly entitle to your own opinion. What I don't appreciate is your direct attack on the character of Raven software, and your use of profanity. Sir, if ask that you would calm down and refrain from the profanity. Don't take offense to this, but the more coarse language you use, the more silly you sound. This goes to everyone. Please stop profaining. This arguement can be just as effective, if not more so, without the cursing. Thanks!


General Theros

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my point is that raven inputted some of these extremely lame "puzzlez" as you call them only to make the game seem longer than it really was, hence fool you into thinking that this gamea owned when it was really short and had a weak story. The gameplay is fine tho :)

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TURNS OUT THIS "GODSEND" THAT YOU FORUM GOERS REFER TO THIS GAME AS IS JUST A BIG LIE. Without these "puzzles" as some of you call them, this game is nothing but a point, shoot, and look for switch fps that would take you well under a day to beat. Not very fun if you ask me. I read somewhere that this game would have around 35 hours of gameplay? pfft. More like 1/4th that. Thanks for screwing me raven, i really appreciate it.



You know, if I had spent 80-100 hours a week putting together a game that I know the public has high expectations of, when I probably wasn't given enough time in the first place to reasonably put together a perfect game, I would be just a teeny bit insulted but your post. Your post seemed pretty damn hostile to everyone here loluz, if you would just put the reply you just voiced back in your original statement on Page 1 I feel it would help out a lot.

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Originally posted by Lucky

I've only got one question left for Raven. Why in the hell is kyle's lightsaber blue? I'm halfway thru the game and i still don't know. Did i skip a cut screne or somthin chang?


The story is that sometime after Mysteries of the Sith (the add-on/sequel to JK1) and before he abandoned the force, Kyle made is own lightsaber. This is one of the essential steps to becoming a true Jedi, the construction of your own lightsaber. At the end of JK1 (and in MotS - though the saber changed color to orange), he was still using Yun's yellow/orange saber (remember he lost his green one), and it still had a taint of evil, so he built his own when he became skilled enough. This is the saber he gave to Luke when he gave up on the force prior to JK2. We didn't get into all that background in JK2 because it would have taken a while to explain, but there you go.


BTW, thank you for your very well-reasoned, thorough and vivid post, I'm glad you enjoyed some of the puzzles we made.

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this fourm is DYNAMIC get over it. topics will change.


oh btw this is my last post on this peace of drek, go and fester for all i care ok?


ps: if you like the game as you just said, why ***** about it? why not play it? oh wait i know maybe is cos you payed no money for it....... warez or ripoff from store same thing, does not matter........


go forth and be flamed troll i will watch from the sidelines now*waves byebye*

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thanks for your input General Theros

We should all go back to watching PG rated movies and taking up southern baptist beliefs!


thanks for your input also kessel. But where do you get this 80-100 hours a week figure from? I kinda doubt they spent 14 hours a day working on this game.


and i say stay on topic because my last thread was deleted because it strayed off topic


btw, nice to see u again changekhan, id like to hear your input on my post.

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

edit: welcome dar! hear*forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM*


try not to let the morons get to you.......


enjoy your stay!


Thanks, now one question though.


If it's suppose to be candy *zing* umm why does it work??

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Thanks chang, I hope I catch you playin in the next week or so, its my spring break and I plan to play the game *solid*.


BTW, this might be off topic, but who were yer lvl designers for the game? I could go look and I prolly will if you don't answer, but ill ask anyhow.


The work they put in is phenomenal let em know I said so for me =P




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Loluz.. I thought nobody else would notice this.. it's a travesty of a game I tell u... running around like lunatics to find the goddamn hidden platform that takes u somewhere else only to get stuck once again... what garbage.... I have to agree with u and say the single player aspect of the game really sucks... however, multiplayer.. that's just amazing... so.. I guess that makes up for it.. but how the hell no one else can notice this.. just baffles me... Single player = frustrating as hell!!!

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Originally posted by loluz

raven inputted some of these extremely lame "puzzlez" as you call them only to make the game seem longer than it really was


Really. I don't recall seeing you in the design meetings. You really shouldn't be so obsessively defensive about an allegation that you could never have any insight into, it just makes you look bad, really.


And, everyone else, continuing to post in this thread is just keeping it at the top of the page for others to see and give this kid the attention he's trying to get with his insults and will only encourage him to keep it up, so I recommend just dropping it.

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Thanks for yours Loluz! Truly though, I must say that I don't appreciate the fact that I'm being friendly and respectful and you are turning around and being sarcastic. That is the mark of someone with bad character. By the way, what is wrong with PG movies and Southern Baptist beliefs? Also, why is it that you can't be more friendly and less confrontational? Really, I'm asking you this seriously. The excuse that the people posting started it doesn't work because you started with the hostile phrases and words. Not just that, but the "He started it" excuse does sound slightly immature doesn't it? Please sir, all I ask is that you, along with most of the others on this post, chill a bit! :) Thanks!


General Theros

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Originally posted by Lucky

BTW, this might be off topic, but who were yer lvl designers for the game? I could go look and I prolly will if you don't answer, but ill ask anyhow.


Start a new thread and I'll answer in there, too much unrelated garbage in this one to be of use to anyone.

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And, everyone else, continuing to post in this thread is just keeping it at the top of the page for others to see and give this kid the attention he's trying to get with his insults and will only encourage him to keep it up, so I recommend just dropping it.


yessir mine god:D

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thanks for your input changekhan, i did expect you to defend your game as much as you possibly could, but bare in mind that these are my opinions, i did not state them as being facts. If i did, your post would be absolutely 100% correct, but its not.

btw, thanks for insulting me, i really appreciate it. It's not every day you see someone attacking someone else for insulting people, and then going and insulting them themselves :)

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