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The g/f saga

Guest Darth Evenios

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Guest Darth Evenios

Perhaps more epic than star wars itself (Gasp)...ok maybe not that epic but coming close to it is the seamingly eternal search for the girlfriend. I, myself can relate to this because I STILL as of yet have not found a suitible female. It seems it is harder and harder these days to find someone. Many girls seeem to be a beauty queen on the outside but then on the inside, there enlies a diffrent story. Many girls would walk alway when a guy not quite up to her high standerds apporched. And just what are their so called "high standerds"? Most of the time it is nothing more than great looks and winning five hundred and fifty two trophies in football or other "manly" sports... a james bond perhaps? or more along a tom cruise.


Realistically speaking not everyone, I myself included, can live up to the "Tom Cruise" image. So how can we dare to compeate?



I think the most inportant attribute is a guy with a caring charector and one who is creative, funny, and likewize. That is what girls should be looking for, but instead many are so despirate they will hang on any dumb jock that comes along. So what are we to do? Patence men, for our day will come. When the girls who got fooled into getting into abusive and uncaring relationships with "good looking guys" maybe only then will they open there eyes up and pay attention to those that have been "left in the dust" before. Who knows? Who can forsee the great future? Here enlies the greatest mystery and epic of all (at least in our age). Now a days, sadly, it seems it would take a Jedi to find a decent girlfriend....what is wrong with this picture? God, and Yoda, only knows.

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

well, it might be easier for u to date a Christian girl...


and here's something that u can do on your first time out.


ok get ready for this...






















Go to the mall, and when u walk by a pool and see coins in it, jump in and get them for her.

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Guest Darth Evenios

Hehe cool idea but it have to be for a girl i really like and known for a whle lol. yeah i am hoping to find a great Christian girl but sometimes even they can be a bit stuck up you know? Oh well the day will come

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I have a g/f and we will be going out for 1 year on December 13th! :D I can't wait.


Anyways, you've got to look else where then the cheer leader type, or populor girls that talk a lot. My g/f is populor but also not LOUD in classes. She's smart, beautiful and talented (great dancer). I knew her since maybe 10th grade (I'm in 12th grade now) and I knew her, but I never really took the time to talk to her because i was being superficial (in 10th grade, that's what most guys do, have a crush on the populor one that everybody likes)


Hope that helped.


When I get a picture I like of us, I'll post it on this forum. Just to proove that being yourself can win a beautiful girl's heart.

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I have the exact same problem Evenios! It's not that I don't have looks, it's just. . . I don't talk to anyone and everyone I see. . . Girls seem to like the really outgoing types it seems to me. . . Even if they are a totally cruel person. Also, I didn't go to the middle school that everyone else did. I have to go to a F***ing private school! It sucked! 4 other kids in my grade. Now, I've been in High School for 2 years, and I'm still working on making friends and being accepted. :( Lol, private schools suck. Never go to one! :D

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Guest DarkTrooper

please tell me you guyz arent the nerds with broken glasses that cant say **** when u aporch a girl. the omly girls that u have talked to are your relative and your teachers. u people are thinking the wrong way. dont think of them as from another planet just think of themas as one of your other friends

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:eek: First of, I'm not a nerd. Second I don't wear glasses. I can say whatever I want when I approach a girl, and I've talked to alot more girls than just my relatives! :cool: And on a final note, I highly doubt that girls are from another planet! ;)


The problem isn't talking to girls, it's finding the right one. :D

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Guest xwing guy
The problem isn't talking to girls, it's finding the right one.

Yeah thats my problem because I'm not afraid to talk to girls its just that its hard to find one thats good lookin AND smart.

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Guest Crazy_dogreturn

Yeah, I need a g/f who looks good, has a good personality and is smart.


Gosh, seems like I'm asking for a lot, right?

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Guest WC_heavyarms

I'm jewish, you all are lucky! Anyway, with that aside, I did meet a girl I liked. She was nice, looked half-assed decent, and such. We kinda pulled apart, and I started to wonder if it was going bad... It was, eventually I talked to her, at which I was really pissed since she would not dare say anything to me. And... well... I haven't talked to her in about 3 months, and I'm going on 4! Hehe, I'm going for a world record! I still feel bad about it, I still think about it every day :o

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by Crazy_dogreturn

I was thinking about Lara Croft, but then again she doesn't exist.:D

I didn't know Lara Croft had a personality of any sort...


And heavyarms, why won't she talk to you? Maybe you should ask her.

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Well, as I said before. . . MASTA "Hooked me up" by accident. . . but it's kinda going good actually. . . :D I would post our instant message flirting, but you guys would all make fun of me and MASTA would kill me when he read it! :D

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i feel that having a gf when your in the 10th grade isnt easy

girls here expect a lot

they expect a dinner a week or something demanding like that

and if you dont obey they break up saying your not interested in them anymore

and when you try dating and stuff in 10 th grade your studies dont go well and you tend to get bad grades and your parents dont like it and blah blah blah........

and if she does break up with you then you cant bere it you keep thinking abt her and cant get your mind off her and that again leads to decay in school


i talk to them and stuff but not yet into the gf bf thing

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I dunno, I'm in 10th, and I'm liking them quite a bit. :D Things are working out great w/ the girl that MASTA set me up with. :D I just have to wait till i can drive to take her out. :( My mom says that she's never gonna drive me on a date, but I can borrow her car to when I can drive. So I gotta wait for a bit, but I can still talk to her on AIM everyday! :D

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