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My Multiplayer 1st Impression!


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Well, here are my first impressions of multiplayer. This is, undoubtedly, one of my favourite multiplayer games, for one reason only - it actually plays OK on a 56k connection! After *trying* to play Quake 3 online for a couple of years, i gave up - it was just too slow and laggy with my modem, so, as excited as i was about JK2, my main fear was that the same problems would rear their heads again. So i was pleasantly surprised when playing for the first time today. Obviously, its not super-smooth - playing with guns has the same drawbacks of Q3, but the LIGHTSABER! Oh my god!

For some reason, the lag doesn't affect the lightsaber anywhere near as badly as it does other weapons. I managed to win, convincingly, every duel (against cable and broadband users) in a 2v2 NF Sabers match, the first time i have won any type of multiplayer game for about 6 months!

I won't go into any more details on lightsaber actions, force etc., as you will find 100 other opinions somewhere on this board, and to really experience the game you need to play it yourself! And for the first time, i welcome challengers! You can find me on the Zone as _G-Ninja_ . And to everyone still waiting to get the game, try to clear your schedule now!

Cyas, G-Ninja.

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Man, that's awesome! 56k Users are now able to play online, a dream come true to many. :p


Yea, here in Taiwan, aDsL I have, but I mean, sighs, it comes out in the end of April. I ordered it online to a house in the states so hopefully they can ship it here by next week. I'm so excited to chop up some people. Looking at the multiple videos of mp (no pun intended, if it was even a pun), it sure looks sweet. Happy gaming!

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Well, the game was out yesterday in Canada :)


The CTF levels... I was hoping for a mix between JK (Nar) style and Q3/UT. I'm sorry to say the strategy aspect from The Challenge at Nar Shaddaa is nowhere to be seen in JO CTF.... so far. I had some good games, but most were just wild free-for-alls with flags. Push can be used effectively in a lot of the CTF maps. It's perhaps a little too powerful.


SP is quite good, but the Rodian snipers in Nar Shaddaa are just too aware. I mean, I was sniped from a far building just by opening a door. Do these snipers normally take down civilians? I think it was the spaceport level in MOTS, where the stormies don't know you're the enemy so they leave you alone - that would have been a nice touch here. It's supposed to be a city, but everyone you see instantly wants you dead.

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