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why can't sabers be like single player...


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i was playing the game in multi, but HATED the way you swing and it does random swings(yes, i know you can control, to and extent). i then started single, and got the saber and noticed that kyle doesn't do all that stupid random swinging. it's so much more precise, to me. i'm used to playing sword-based fighters, and was hoping this game would be that precise. as it is, it just boils down to random clicking in duels

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"kyle doesn't do all that stupid random swinging. it's so much more precise, to me."


Actually as you advance throught the game Kyle gets better at the saber and more animations are there, the only problem with MP I have is that there aren't any dismemberments (which would rock!!!) please RAVEN include this in the first patch PLEASE!!!!

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I haven't gotten to the saber in singleplayer yet, but it sounds like a result of the low Saber Offense you start with. If you really like it that way, leave your Saber Offense at 1, but you'll be limited to only one stance..


Saber swinging isn't random, there are just a LOT of options and it takes a while to learn them.

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no, what i'm talking about is, say you're in the light stance. you swing, but it's all random swishing. the only way to really control it is to do a direction + swing. when i stand still and swing, i want to always know how my guy is going to hit. as it is, i never feel like i'm in total control

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The obvious answer is that MP involves issues like network traffic and....there's also Quake3's prediction, which compensates for lagginess to a certain extent. Of course, they could have lowered the MP limit to 8 players and used the extra bandwidth...but then, people with 56k modems would have even more problems.


In a single player game, you don't have those kinds of problems and hence, you get a much better simulation.


Or I could just not know what I'm talking about.

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Originally posted by ps2maddenman

"kyle doesn't do all that stupid random swinging. it's so much more precise, to me."


Actually as you advance throught the game Kyle gets better at the saber and more animations are there, the only problem with MP I have is that there aren't any dismemberments (which would rock!!!) please RAVEN include this in the first patch PLEASE!!!!


You can turn it on via the console. You have enable it on both the server and the client, though.

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