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Dream Star Wars game!


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Originally posted by Crazy_dogreturn

Something like Battlegrounds, but with linked maps, all the planets, and more civs and terrain.



I'm working on something like that right now. If u want to help, PM me.


That sounds like what I would like also, I don't quite know what you mean by LINKED maps, though. I do definitely want more civs, units, techs, and unique civ tech bonuses for each civ.

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Ok, i remember a topic like this in another forum that Im a part of(jediknightii.net), i had to go diggin for it, since i didnt feel like typin it again, and since i posted it in july. Ok, here ya go...


OK, my dream game would not be possible by todays technology. Mainly because of the level of graphics, the interface i want, and the type of control that im thinking of. The level of graphics that I see in my dream game is almost true-to-life graphics, i mean, just barely off so you would know the difference from in-game and reality. The controls would be something like motion capture. Say, to like fire a weapon, you would need a gun controller and actually use your aiming skills to shoot another player(so its not the rinky-dinky mouse stuff we have to put up with, although i dont mind so much). And say, for a lightsaber, you would need a special controller (which would be supplied w/ the game), this controller would function like, say you were to move it to the left, it moves to the left, get the idea? So there would be limitless # of possible saber moves. The interface would be something like a holodeck from ST, or either a beefed up VR, and not the blasted moniter.


Ok, now onto the actual game. I guess it would be most like SWG, since ive been dreaming of a game like this ever since i can remember. There is a few things i think i would change. For instance, there would be single player, and multiplayer. SP would most likely reflect a JO, or JK, or DF, or any type of FPS. Also, in SP, there would be many, many different training missions for all types of characters. Like there would be Jedi training missions if your a Jedi, training for a soldier or mercenary, even training for a tech wizard or craftsman, or something. You can use these training missions to beef up your character before you try and test your might in multiplayer. While multiplayer would be just like Galaxies. Except for a few rule changes, like not being able to kill another person unless scenario A happens or scenario B, etc., etc. The rules will most likely fit into real-world rules, and not many of the rules existing in SWG now.


The timeline. Well, after reading some of the posts on the Galaxies website relating to the timeline and how players should be able to affect it, it got me thinking. So, after a few mintutes, i thought the perfect timeline would start after ROTJ, around JO time and beyond, this way, players can make the universe by their actions, and not pre-determined events, like in the films. Either that or something around Knights of the Old Republic time, that would make a hell of a game(and im hoping it will be in KOTOR), the Jedi and Sith War (or whatever its called).


I think i covered everything. Now that I think about it, this is not just a dream game, its a dream system as well as a dream game. I hope we will have the technology to build something like this when im still alive and well.

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