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Useful console commands


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Note: these are binary, binary 1=on and 0=off


bring up the console by using Shift+` (tilde)


NOTE: You don't need to type the "]" before each command as the console does this for you automatically.


]cg_drawtimer x


In other words ( ]cg_drawtimer 1) will give you the in-game timer

( ]cg_drawtimer 0 ) will turn it back off


]com_maxfps xxx (default 85 if you have a P4 2.0Ghz and a Geforce 3 jack it up to 120)


]r_gamma xxx (between 1.000 to 1.500, 1.125 is good)


]cg_drawgun x


]cg_gibs x (btw I've tried this unsuccessfully!)


]cg_draw3dicons x


]cg_drawfps x


]r_fullbright x


]cg_drawcrosshair x


]cg_fov xxx (default is 80, don't go higher than 120 or lower than 80)



Need to connect to a specific IP??? use: ]connect xxx (xxx=IP address)


]sensitivity xxx (mouse sensitivity, 5 is default)


]callvote map xxx (just replace xxx with the level number)


]bind key command (example, if you want to bind f12 to take screenshots, you would type ]bind f12 screenshot_tga )






]name xxx (Change your name, use 1^ through 8^ to select colors)



These come straight from the Versus Books strategy guide page 108,109

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Sorry, PS2... but, as a consolation prize, here's how to enable dismemberment in multiplayer:


On the server, set g_dismember to 1. This will allow clients who want to see it to see it.


On each client, set cg_dismember to 1. This allows that client to see the dismemberment.



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Originally posted by Ron1jed

i wonder if there is a command to turn the sky off like in q3. cause i don't even want to see the sky if it isn't gonna move. i mean come on. thats like having a hooker turn tricks. you don't need her


Dude, take some Prozac, I hear that's good for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Seriously.

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]


Dude, take some Prozac, I hear that's good for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Seriously.



Couldn't have said it better myself Chang.

Do me a favour Chang? I know i'm the n'th user to say this but, tell the team there my congrats on such a great game. I don't remember having this much fun playing a game since the old days of Day of the Tentacle or Space Quest 5 or Police Quest 4 to name a few :)

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Originally posted by L3onheart



Couldn't have said it better myself Chang.

Do me a favour Chang? I know i'm the n'th user to say this but, tell the team there my congrats on such a great game. I don't remember having this much fun playing a game since the old days of Day of the Tentacle or Space Quest 5 or Police Quest 4 to name a few :)


amen to that!

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Actually, dismemberment is sort of broken for MP as it is. Seems to be a VM issue. In case we ever fix it, cvars are:


g_dismember 1-100 (1 is hardly ever, 100 is every time a saber blow of appropriate strength is dealt)


And on the client, cg_dismember 2 will give you full "gore" (limbs, heads, the works)


If you try it now it may work a couple times, but will then likely give you an opstack error.

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